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Kindness Is Its Own Reward

Share the wealth, reap the benefits

Photo by Aleksey Oryshchenko on Unsplash

Kindness is its own reward and the results of being kind are something that is obvious to everybody. Human beings are especially well equipped to help each other out by random acts of kindness as well as making a conscious effort to make it part of the social fabric of each and every day of our lives.

We can all practice kindness on a daily basis, and when we do, we will get an endorphin rush that will reward and encourage us to be kind more of the time. Kindness is a win-win proposition.

It doesn’t take much to be kind to others, especially people we see in our neighborhoods every day.

Simple hellos can lead to conversations, and talking to other people promotes kindness because we can get to know each other better and get a glimpse into each other’s lives.

We are all separate and different, unique and the same, and we are all dependent on each other in so many ways. In a very real sense, we are all our brother’s keepers.

We can find out whatever they are going through and figure out ways to help them, to spare a moment of precious time out of our busy lives.

To help somebody whose days by contrast stretch out in an endless succession of loneliness, dead ends, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

We can shine a ray of light, of hope and happiness into the darkness and despair of other’s lives, we can help ease the burden of a heavy load.

We can realize our own shared humanity by engaging in simple acts of kindness to others.

There is nothing more satisfying than to see a smile break out on another’s face when they realize and accept a simple act of human kindness.

To help somebody out in the most basic of ways, like helping an older person cross the street.

Or maybe something more substantial, like giving them a ride to the grocery store, the post office, or a doctor’s appointment is immensely rewarding and is helpful to both parties involved.

We both gain from this kind of social interaction. Just getting around is hard on a lot of elderly people.

They are forced to take public transit everywhere because most live on fixed incomes and have no other viable means of transportation. Did you ever try taking your groceries home on a bus?

Most of us find it easy to be kind to our immediate family, our children, and our significant others. That is part of our daily lives and we can easily find the time to show love and shower affection on our own family.

It is just a simple extension of this innate human feeling to help others out and apply it to others. Strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet.

Kindness is a universal constant. It is natural and widely demonstrated.

It is practiced by not only humans but also by many animals, all creatures big and small. There are bonds of affection, love, and compassion in the animal world that are equal to human kindness but not as well known.

Monkeys know it’s smart to share. They habitually groom each other and often exchange food as well as frequent hugs. They are all very aware of the existence and well-being of every other monkey in the group.

They take care of each other in a very real sense, something we should emulate. Monkey see monkey do is more than a children’s catchphrase.

Elephants are well known for their amazing memories and their ability to band together and assist those herd members who are hurt or injured.

They are very protective and if one of them dies, they will mourn them and often come back to their grave year after year.

We, humans, could learn a lot from observing the elephant’s commitment to kindness.

Humpback whales, another very intelligent species, often use their size and bulk to protect other whales like gray whales and their calves from being attacked by killer whales.

They act in concert and harmony to be kind and protect their smaller and more vulnerable fellow sea creatures.

Can we as humans do anything less? Should we ignore others? Why?

Being kind is a natural, universal instinct. Practice it. We are all connected…

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