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Leonard Tillerman discusses the challenges and benefits of writing through personal pain and hardship, using his own recent experiences with the death of a friend and complications from kidney cancer surgery.


Leonard Tillerman shares his personal struggle with writing amidst the pain of a friend's death and health complications from kidney cancer surgery. Despite these challenges, he emphasizes the importance of continuing to write, as it can lead to increased productivity, deeper emotional depth in writing, and serve as a healing process. Tillerman acknowledges that while not everyone may be able to write under such circumstances, it's worth attempting not to let pain inhibit one's creative output. He apologizes to his followers for a delayed story and reduced engagement due to the effects of a sedative from his recent surgery, but remains committed to his writing and encourages others to persevere in their own writing journeys.


  • Writing through pain can enhance productivity and the emotional depth of one's writing.
  • The act of writing during difficult times can be therapeutic and contribute to personal healing.
  • Despite severe personal trials, Tillerman believes in the value of pushing through to continue writing.
  • He recognizes that the ability to write through pain varies among individuals and does not diminish the validity of those who cannot.
  • Tillerman prioritizes communication with his audience, offering an explanation and apology for his reduced engagement due to medical reasons.
  • He remains optimistic about returning to his usual level of engagement and productivity the following day.

Keep Writing Through The Pain

Amazing things could happen.

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Can you write quality stories when you are under pressure?

Does this serve to motivate you, or do you get mired in the mud?

Personally, the last few days I have been writing with a dark and ominous cloud hanging over my head. The unexpected death of a close friend was an unexpected slap in the face. It did a number on my peace of mind.

To add to that, I have developed complications from my surgery, and I had to go back to the hospital for day surgery this morning.

For those who don’t know, I am in the recovery stage from advanced stage 3 kidney cancer.

This morning I had to go into the hospital and have a stent put in. I won’t get into all the gruesome details about how they do that, or why, but suffice it to say that I have been writing in a lot of mental and excruciating physical pain over the last few days.

I am not looking for sympathy here. It is what it is. Instead, I hope to use my own experience to make a point.

Even in such pain over the past few days, I still managed to produce a number of stories. I did not use all of this as an excuse to throw in the towel.

The truth is, I always advise people to write through their pain. I find it not only leads to increased productivity, but their writing can often reach a new and unexpected depth of emotion. This in turn can become a healing journey for the writer.

Three major benefits that cannot be ignored!


Depth and Quality of writing


This of course will not happen for everyone. Some will be in too much pain. Others will have a hard time being able to wrap their mind around the words struggling to find their way on paper.

What I am saying, however, is try not to let it be a reason to quit if you do not need to.

I am also writing this piece today to apologize to my regular followers and subscribers for not putting out a story this morning. I am also sorry for for my lack of engagement today on other’s work and the replies to my own stories. I am writing this currently, but am still groggy from the sedative I was given during my operation this morning.

Hence it will not stand out as one of my better pieces!

Writing under the influence of a sedative will tend to do that to you!

I will be trying to engage this afternoon, and hope to be completely back to normal by tomorrow.

Keep on writing!

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