avatarSurekha Chandrasekhar


The website content discusses the health benefits of Kashmiri Khawa tea and its role in overcoming writer's block.


The article titled "Kashmiri Khawa and the Writer’s Block" delves into the author's personal experience with writer's block and illness, and how Kashmiri Khawa tea played a therapeutic role in their recovery. Kashmiri Khawa is described as an aromatic green tea blend, enriched with spices such as cardamom, cloves, pepper, cinnamon, fennel seeds, and saffron, along with dry nuts and rose petals. Traditionally brewed in a samovar, this tea is not only a comforting beverage but also offers numerous health benefits, including boosting immunity, reducing stress, aiding digestion, promoting weight loss, improving skin health, and even helping to alleviate insomnia. The author reflects on the soothing effects of the tea, drawing parallels between its calming properties and the serene landscapes of Kashmir, suggesting that it can also help break through creative barriers like writer's block.


  • The author highly recommends Kashmiri Khawa tea for its health benefits and its ability to inspire creativity.
  • Writer's block is acknowledged as a real and depressing experience for writers.
  • The tea's aroma and ingredients, particularly the saffron, contribute to its golden color and distinctive flavor.
  • The author expresses a sentimental connection to Kashmiri Khawa, associating it with the beauty and tranquility of Kashmir.
  • There is an appreciation for the tea's traditional preparation method using a samovar, though the author suggests it can be made in a more modern way as well.
  • The author values the support received from the Medium community during their absence, emphasizing the sense of camaraderie and care among its members.


Kashmiri Khawa and the Writer’s Block

Health Benefits of Kashmiri Khawa Tea

Image by Author. Some glimpses from my Kashmir travel.



I am back after a short break,

and I missed you!

I was under the weather and recovering from a nagging fever and cough. I felt tired and depressed after taking medicines for my recovery. To make things worse, I was also caught by the infamous writer’s block…

Yes, writer’s block is for real, and it is very depressing. I couldn’t get myself to work on any of my drafts and post them. Whenever I found little energy, I read some of your blogs. I was wallowing in a certain sad mood and spent time sleeping and drinking lots of Kashmiri Khawa. I had mentioned Kashmiri Khawa in one of my previous blogs and dear friend Yana Yana Bostongirl wanted to know about this beverage.

So here, I am trying to break the writer’s block with a small story on Kashmiri Khawa.

Kashmiri Khawa Tea Image by Author

Kashmiri Khawa is an exotic green tea from one of the most beautiful places in India, Kashmir. This is a delightful mixture of Kashmiri green tea leaves, and whole spices like green cardamom, cloves, pepper, cinnamon, and fennel seeds. The tea gets its aroma and golden colour from saffron another delicacy of Kashmir. There are also dry nuts like almonds and rose petals in the tea. This tea is traditionally prepared in a brass tea kettle known as samovar. Now, for individual uses, we can make it just like any other green tea. I add a spoonful of Khawa to a glass of boiling hot water and allow it to settle and seep for a few minutes.

My cup of piping hot, soul-warming Kashmiri Khawa is ready. The rose petals floating on top reminded me of some unknown Kashmir valley, covered in snow, where every grass blade blossomed into some wildflower! The freckled young shepherd must be out with his flock of sheep. Mountain streams must be gurgling around huge rocks making frothy ripples. When I saw this sight for the first time (ten years back), it was like a couple of Philosophical thoughts coming alive. Didn’t someone say one should be like water flowing around the obstacles? I bit into a piece of dry ginger flake in my beverage.

Mystery in every sip…folks, that’s Kashmiri Khawa.

Kashmiri Khawa has many health benefits:

1. It fights the flu

The natural ingredients of Khawa are loaded with antioxidants and they help fight the nasty cold and nurse us back to health. It boosts the body’s immunity by repairing the damage caused to our cells by free radicals. The antioxidants help the liver to remove toxins from our blood.

2. It is a stress buster and boosts metabolism by helping in digestion.

Khawa contains linalool and geraniol compounds, which are known to have a good effect on our nerves and hence reduce anxiety.

3. The tea has great fat-burning properties and is good for weight loss goals.

All Weight Watchers, Kashmiri Khawa is good news for you! It helps burn all those layers of extra fat by increasing the metabolism.

4. Fights insomnia.

Take a cup of hot Kashmiri Khawa before sleep, it will soothe your jagged nerves and help you get a cozy sleep.

5. It is good for the skin

The tea contains polyphenols, which help lock in moisture for longer periods making the skin soft and supple. It also contains vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, and zinc.

I have also proven now that Kashmiri Khawa can break writer’s block!

So, friends why not make a cup of warm golden Khawa, sit back, and enjoy a healthy life?

Keep Smiling!

Thank you so much, Dr. Preeti Singh, Mike Broadly — Healthier Lifestyle, and Dr Mehmet Yildiz for sending me a personal msg to check on me after I was missing from the Q for a few days. Medium love is true and we are so much more than a community! Sending love and hugs your way!

Healthy Lifestyle
Green Tea
Writers On Writing
Writing Life
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