avatarEnzo M. Battista-Dowds PhD. RD.


Enzo Battista-Dowds shares his personal journey of love and adventure leading to his marriage proposal to Laura, set against the backdrop of his transitioning career and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Enzo Battista-Dowds, a research fellow and dietitian, recounts the pivotal moments of his life in 2019 and 2020. Facing the end of his research funding, he embarked on a five-month journey with his then-girlfriend, Laura, which culminated in a romantic marriage proposal in Singapore on Christmas Day. The proposal, meticulously planned and executed, was witnessed by their families and celebrated by onlookers. Post-engagement, their travels continued through Asia, unaware of the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. Enzo reflects on his life-changing experiences, expressing pride in his bold actions and the love that defines him, as he steps into his role as a husband and potential father. He also acknowledges his professional achievements and his contributions to Illumination, expressing gratitude to the editorial team for their support.


  • Enzo values personal milestones, such as his marriage and potential fatherhood, as much as his professional accomplishments.
  • He believes in grand romantic gestures and their significance in expressing love, as evidenced by his elaborate proposal planning.
  • Enzo is appreciative of the Illumination editorial team's vision and the opportunity to share his story within the publication's curated volumes.
  • He is optimistic about the future, looking forward to settling into his new home and starting a family with Laura.
  • Enzo is proud of his research work and eager to share the upcoming findings from his 'Time-Focused Eating' feasibility study.
  • He sees his personal experiences as integral to shaping the man he is, emphasizing the importance of love and adventure in his life narrative.

#JustMarried — My Illumination Intro.

The man I am. My personal story of adventure, hope, and love.

Picture of the newlyweds: Enzo & Laura Battista-Dowds (Author & his wife) taken September 4th 2020.

Funding for my research fellowship is ending. But it’s ok; I’ve got this. I still have a few months to go. Then again, what do I do? Try and win another research grant or find another role before I am out of a job?

This was where I stood in summer 2019.

Hope and adventure

Fast forward to 8:08 pm, December 25th — Christmas Day, 2019. I’m in Singapore, standing on the balcony of The Lighthouse Fullerton Hotel. I go down on one knee. With a diamond ring in hand I look up and pop the question,

“Laura. I love you, and I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

I see tears in her eyes, but I have no doubt. I know my baby. The look of warmth in her face, those are tears of joy. She says, “Yes!”

As we kiss and embrace, we share a sudden realisation. We’re not exactly alone on the balcony. We’re alone out on the balcony. But behind a paned glass window is a table with our parents gathered around, looking back at us.

With tears in their eyes and love in their hearts, they’re all hugging each other. Behind them, a restaurant of diners and staff are clapping and cheering. Perfect. I’ve given the Hollywood romantic movie experience that the love of my life deserves.

That’s what matters to me. Why I spent five months planning the moment, from asking Laura’s father for proposal permission in the summer, to travelling 12 weeks together. The exciting jet-setting across — Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and Bali — in time to meet our parents in Singapore for Christmas. It all led to the proposal, captured below.

A low-res picture of the author’s proposal (quickly captured by his now father-in-law)

I’m happy, truly happy, and proud. Proud to make the bold move, the grand gesture reminiscent of the movies.

With Christmas day and our time with the family behind us, fiancé and fiancée travel on. Our adventures take us to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. On schedule, January 17th 2020, we return to the UK.

Meanwhile, television news in Krabi, on January 15th 2020, reports the arrival of COVID-19 in Thailand. A new and potentially fatal virus.

The man I am

So, why am I telling this story? Shouldn’t I be discussing my credentials as this is an introduction article for Illumination?

Well, I have an online scientific research profile and a dietitian professional profile for people to view. And other Medium articles I have and will write reflect what I have to offer. But first and foremost, I am a husband, #justmarried — and now you know the story that got me here. The adventures and experiences that made me the man I am.

We just bought our first house together. Hopefully, both at 37 years young, we’ll soon be parents. Wish us luck.

Besides, when you’re in love, you want to shout it from the hilltops. You feel the need to TELL THE WORLD. Hopefully, you and ILLUMINATION can help with that?

Thank you

I’d like to express my gratitude to Dr Mehmet Yildiz and the ILLUMINATION editorial team. I’m astounded by their vision and determination to build the publication at such a rapid pace. I am honoured to contribute to Illumination-curated in Outstanding Volumes 1 to 4 — and to be highlighted as a doctoral leader.

Wondering what happened after my research fellowship concluded? Well, the findings of that ‘Time-Focused Eating’ feasibility study will be published soon, so stay tuned.

This article was written with support and love from my wife (and proof-read by her too!)

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. Henry Drummond

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