avatarKeno Ogbo


Jumping on the Bandwagon for a 100 Days

It wasn’t designed for me, but I’ll do it, anyway; and Day 1 of my 100 day writing challenge

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Hi, I am Keno and I will take part in the illumination 100-day challenge for new writers. I am not new.

I used to write regularly with illumination when I first joined Medium in May 2020. It was lockdown, and I saw the world clearer. Words flowed. I became a top writer in Advice, Black Lives Matter, and Racism.

I had at least two viral articles and several curated articles.

I made lots of new friends. Then routine and busyness dimmed the world, and the words trickled. I barely logged on. My publication, Tiny Life Moments, faltered. I read little, commented less. My top writer status was reversed. I languished. After trudgestoppingly* halting, the truth dawned, I needed a fresh start. As soon as I saw Dr Mehmet Yildiz posted about the 100-day writing challenge, I knew it was my Michael Jordan moment — a tiny life moment of starting over.

… because encouragement is not only for new starters. It’s reaches out to those starting all over again.

But it’s not just about writing. In 100 days, I hope to reconnect with old friends and catch up with their stories. Make some brand new friends and discover new stories. Connect and engage on social media, clear my world to let the streams of words flow again.

This is Day 1 of 100 days

I am re-introducing an old story. This is my ‘About me’.

I am reconnecting with Desiree Driesenaar and Chris Hedges.

I’m discovering new writers.

PS: I won’t be doing 100 consecutive posts -simply following the formula until I have reached the goal.

trudgestoppingly* — a made-up word, but one that should belong in the dictionary.

Writing Prompts
Writing Challenge
New Writers
This Happened To Me
Creative Writing
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