avatarCrystal Jackson


Joy Lands Lightly

A poem for trauma recovery

Photo by Marika Vinkmann on Unsplash

Joy is a tremulous thing That flutters in my chest I cannot speak or move or breathe For fear it will have left I can only hold the moment tight And pray that it will stay All the while I’m crushing it Because I’m so afraid

Joy is a tremulous thing And trauma is a beast That stalks us in our daylight hours And chases us through sleep It tricks us into fearing joy And running when it’s getting close It tells us everyone will leave So it’s best if we’re the ones to go

Once I loved with wild abandon And trusted it would keep Now it haunts me in the shadows Of wake and dream and sleep I’d love again, if I would dare To let joy lightly land To allow its golden glowing light To rest in my outstretched hand

Then, joy will be a tremulous thing That rests lightly in my chest Soothing me through the fears That would keep me from my rest Without a need to hold it tight Without fear it will just leave I can take my heart back out To rest softly on my sleeve.

Trauma Recovery
Mental Health
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