

The website content introduces the concept of "Drunken December" as an alternative to "Dry January," advocating for the enjoyment of alcoholic beverages throughout the holiday season with mindfulness and responsibility.


The article "Join Me in a Drunken December" presents a festive perspective on alcohol consumption during the holiday season, contrasting with the popular trend of "Dry January." While Dry January is recognized as a period of detoxification and reflection on one's relationship with alcohol, Drunken December is proposed as a time to embrace the conviviality and indulgence that the festive period offers. It encourages individuals to savor the rich flavors of various alcoholic drinks and to partake in the artistry of mixology, emphasizing the joy of shared experiences and the warmth of holiday gatherings. The author suggests that this approach can be a source of comfort and camaraderie, serving as a counterbalance to the sometimes excessive festivities of the year's end. However, the article also stresses the importance of responsible drinking and being aware of one's limits, ensuring that the celebration does not lead to overindulgence.


  • The author believes that Drunken December can be a therapeutic alternative to Dry January, offering a way to calm the mind and enjoy the holiday season.
  • There is an appreciation for the unique flavors and the art of mixology that come with the festive drinks of December.
  • The author acknowledges that Dry January is a commendable practice for those looking to reset their relationship with alcohol.
  • The concept of Drunken December is presented as a way to create cherished memories and enjoy the company of friends and family.
  • The article emphasizes that the celebration of Drunken December should be approached with mindfulness and an awareness of personal limits to avoid the pitfalls of excessive drinking.
  • The author suggests that the festive spirit of Drunken December is not just about consuming alcohol, but also about crafting and sharing delightful beverages that enhance the holiday experience.

Join Me in a Drunken December

Drowning in the Festive Spirit: Embracing Drunken December

Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

When the frosty winds of the holiday season conclude and the new year arrives, many embark on a journey known as Dry January — a month-long hiatus from alcohol consumption. This tradition has gained popularity as a detoxifying and health-conscious start to the new year.

However, for those seeking a merry and spirited alternative, the concept of Drunken December emerges as a celebration of indulgence and revelry. I may have just made up the term, but it should become a thing.

Dry January, often touted as a reset button for both body and mind, encourages individuals to bid farewell to the year with a clear head and renewed vigor.

It’s a commendable endeavor, offering a break from the sometimes excessive festivities of the holiday season and a chance to reflect on one’s relationship with alcohol.

Yet, for those who find joy in the clinking of glasses, the warmth of mulled wine, and the conviviality of festive spirits, Drunken December offers an enticing counterpoint.

In Drunken December, the goal is not abstinence, but rather an embrace of the conviviality that defines the holiday season. In my case, it is one of the few things that can calm my depressed brain enough to help me sleep a few hours straight.

December is a time to relish in the effervescent cheer that accompanies holiday gatherings, adorned with twinkling lights and the infectious laughter of friends and family. The concept encourages a conscious decision to savor the rich tapestry of flavors that various alcoholic beverages bring to the table.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

One might argue that the juxtaposition of Dry January and Drunken December is a stark contrast, but it’s precisely this duality that makes the concept of imbibing as often as you can this month so captivating.

While Dry January champions sobriety and introspection, Drunken December celebrates the joyous moments of togetherness and the unique flavors that define this festive time of year.

The festive spirit of Drunken December extends beyond the mere consumption of alcohol.

It can be about crafting and sharing delightful concoctions that titillate the taste buds.

Whether it’s the warmth of a spiced eggnog, the crispness of a well-chilled champagne, or the boldness of a carefully curated cocktail, Drunken December invites individuals to explore and appreciate the artistry behind mixology.

Photo of my favorite cocktail — an Old-Fashioned by Paige Ledford on Unsplash

However, it’s crucial to approach Drunken December with a mindful spirit.

Responsible consumption and an awareness of one’s limits should be at the forefront of any celebration. This isn’t a call to abandon all caution but rather an invitation to revel responsibly, creating memories that will be cherished long after the tinsel has been packed away.

In the spirit of Drunken December, holiday gatherings become a canvas for creativity.

Mixologists emerge from the shadows, armed with shakers, muddlers, and an array of spirits to concoct signature drinks that become the talk of the season. From festive punches that serve a crowd to intricate cocktails that showcase the nuance of flavors, the possibilities are as boundless as the winter sky.

Photo by Fábio Alves on Unsplash

The ambiance of Drunken December is one of joy, camaraderie, and shared indulgence. In my own case, drunken sullenness, but that does not have to be and should not be your own.

It’s a time to clink glasses, exchange stories, and revel in the warmth of shared laughter. As the world outside turns frosty, the glow of merriment inside becomes a refuge — a sanctuary where the stresses of the year dissolve into the effervescence of the holiday spirit.

Photo by Drew Farwell on Unsplash

For some, the idea of Drunken December might raise concerns about overindulgence and the potential pitfalls of excessive alcohol consumption.

It’s important to emphasize that the spirit of Drunken December isn’t a call to abandon all restraint. Rather, it’s an invitation to approach the holiday season with a balance of revelry and responsibility.

In closing, while Dry January provides a mindful start to the new year, Drunken December beckons with the promise of festive enchantment.

It’s a celebration of flavors, togetherness, and the magic that the holiday season brings. As we navigate the contrasting landscapes of sobriety and indulgence, may Drunken December be a reminder that, in the tapestry of life, balance and celebration can coexist harmoniously.

Image by the author

Cheers to a spirited and joyous holiday season!

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