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Jimmy Eats a Hotdog

Daily random word Drabble — Blasphemy

Photo by Pedro Durigan on Unsplash

“That’s complete blasphemy!” Tommy yelled.

His little brother Jimmy smiled and took a big bite.

How Tommy even knew the word blasphemy at ten years old was a wonder in itself, but he had picked it up on one of the hundreds of Tik Tok videos he watched every day. Very educational.

“MOM! Jimmy put ketchup on his hotdog again and I’m gonna puke!”

“Leave Jimmy alone,” mom replied. “We don’t all like the same things.”

“It’s good!” Jimmy smiled, making ‘good’ a three-syllable word.

“It’s like eating dill pickles with ice cream,” Tommy huffed. “And it’s plain blasphemy.”

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Random Word Drabble Guidelines Update | by Nancy Oglesby | Fiction Shorts | Jan, 2024 | Medium

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Fiction Shorts (medium.com)

Here’s a wonderful group of writers taking on the challenges of life as they share their stories through their writing. If you wish to be deleted from this list, just let me know and your wish will be granted. Just that one wish, though. I’m no genie.

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