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The author has uncovered a method for personal and twin flame relationship growth through continuous self-improvement, boundary setting, and mutual respect.


The article titled "I’ve Cracked The Twin Flame Growth Code" by an unnamed author delves into the complexities of the twin flame relationship, likening it to a journey filled with challenges and lessons. The author emphasizes the importance of the divine feminine's role in this dynamic, particularly in letting go and focusing on self-growth to inspire similar progression in the divine masculine. The key insights include the necessity for both partners to confront their issues, for the divine feminine to reclaim her power without guilt, and for both to establish healthy boundaries. The author asserts that these actions lead to growth and abundance, illustrating the concept with personal anecdotes and emphasizing the significance of intuitive guidance and the timing of the universe.


  • The author believes that twin flame relationships involve continuous personal development and that this growth is akin to solving a complex series of puzzles.
  • Letting go is presented as a profound and ongoing process, not a one-time event, essential for both individuals' evolution.
  • The divine feminine is encouraged to take back her power and create boundaries to protect her energy, which in turn benefits both partners.
  • The author suggests that the divine masculine will mirror the growth and self-love demonstrated by the divine feminine.
  • Setting boundaries is seen as an act of self-love that reflects personal strength and can lead to positive changes in the twin flame dynamic.
  • The author expresses frustration with repetitive patterns in the relationship but acknowledges that growth occurs in divine timing and through mutual learning.
  • The article conveys that while the journey is challenging, the rewards of personal and relational growth are significant and lead to a more balanced and light-filled connection.

I’ve Cracked The Twin Flame Growth Code

From Pexels: By Markus Spiske

Honestly, the Da Vinci code had nothing on us twins. Our journey is a map of the unknown, full of escape rooms, illusions, tests, puzzles, wacky mirrors, and more. It sounds like a funhouse. Gosh, is it ever? Progressing on this journey this long makes me question: what more do I need to learn? I am happy to announce that I received a download through peeling back a layer and conversing with my wonderful earth-angels support systems. I am so excited to disclose this information, and I hope that it is able to find those who need it.

Let me just put this here.

“I find that if he’s being weird or going through a moment, the more I cling and hold on, the worse we both feel.” When I finally let go and focus on myself and worry about me, he just follows and comes along.”

- a very devoted 26-year-old divine feminine still on her path to union

Let me break this down and elaborate.

From Pexels: By Madison Inouye

Letting go of your twin flame goes so much deeper than I had originally thought. Earlier in my journey, I worked so hard to let go of him completely. I had to let go of him while he was happy with someone else after we had split. I had to let go of expecting him to mirror me when I wanted him to. I had to let go of expectations and desires. I remember letting go of my emotions for him at one point in order to discover the magical truth about my feelings. I could add more to this list.


I noticed that we have to do this continuously. Once healed, it is like breathing when integrated. The rest of the world came naturally to me. But there is a secret to helping your twin along in their growth and letting yourself keep your peace and sanity.

As divine feminines, we are looped into cycles with our twins. Some we notice right away, and others take days, months, or years. I am here to let you know that we have power. We can stand in our knowledge and allow the energy that we provide to manifest and grow. And what is the best part? Less work for us. Well, kinda. We will still mirror them, help them purge, and let them feel what they feel.

From Pexels: By Markus Spiske

So let’s get to it. This all-ages, all-stage secret formula?

  1. You both have some sort of problem, whether it be a disagreement, a frustrating moment, or an illusion. Most of the time, it is the divine masculine accepting illusion and fear instead of the love and light that you or spirit channels and tries to provide them.

2. The divine feminines have to realise their power and allow themselves to take it back. There is no feeling guilty or giving in. Allow the divine masculine the time and space he needs to grow. Chances are DFs might need a reset too.

3. Divine Feminines? Create that boundary! Protect your energy, and don’t ride the train to nowhere. Don’t give into an energy or situation that doesn’t align with the truth. Sometimes, with your twin flame, it’s so easy to get caught in the moment. I get it. It’s such a pocket dimension when we’re around them. But we still have our responsibilities. We still have to keep going and serve our higher selves and the universe. We need to show up for ourselves at the end of the day! Your divine masculine will mirror you greatly. Growth will show. up in both of you. Sometimes you will mirror them, help them purge, and let them feel what they feel and others, you will have to do some digging within (this is dependent on where you are at in your journey).

The creation of a loving boundary mirrors your strength and love for yourself and others. It honours your growth and the lessons you have already learned. The universe sees you ready for whatever newness and abundance are rolling in.

From Pexels: By Bich Tran

As mentioned by my twin flame friend and in other articles I have written, if you protect your energy and pay attention to yourself, the divine masculine will follow.

Here’s a final example from my life that brought me to this conclusion:

My divine masculine typically asks me for intuitive guidance when he is about to take major steps in life. Sometimes I just get to know what he tells me. Regardless, if the spirit tells me to say something, I do.

Some time will go by, and it’ll unfold just like I felt and sometimes predicted. I express my thoughts when asked, and then he gets upset, feeling like I’m not telling him ‘I told you so’ but that I’m nicely telling him ‘I told you so’. He then will tell me that he doesn’t like when I do that because I’m telling him what he already knows, but that he likes watching how it’ll all unfold, even with his intuitive knowing.

We have looped like this in other instances, and each time I feel it all. I also feel everything he’s going through and don’t like watching him choose the same paths over and over. The universe has shown him things that I know he knows to let go of, but fear of rejection (fear of loss, of missing out, and of rejection of the authentic self) takes him still. It has gotten so much better over the years, but this is where my boundaries come into play. This is where I can teach him how to love me and himself a little more.

From Pexels: By Bich Tran

I no longer wish to discuss the details of his choices. I don’t mind being told the start or the outcome, but I don’t want to be a part of the bulk of it all. It is repetitive and draining. It is unnecessary to my life, but if that is what he needs, then great, but it has nothing to do with me.

The last time I created firm boundaries, he switched perspectives and grew through other situations in his life. Miracles happened after, and the scales shifted back into light balance. I do recognise that he mirrored my need to set boundaries to grow and heal out of that loop. I also got to feel how he really felt about it all. It was guilt and abandonment of self, but I know this will be healed and understood over time. Everything happens in divine timing.

The equation for growth to remember is:

Problem + (Loving) Boundary = Growth + Abundance

It’s that simple. How it could play out is a whole other story. While I’m sure I could add more to this article, this is all that came to me to share at this time. All the best with integration!

Twin Flame
Spiritual Growth
Self Improvement
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