avatarTree Langdon


Illumination Writer Introduction

I’ve Always Been a Reader

And Secretly a Writer

Tofino Beach, near my house — by Robert Nathan Garlington — Pixabay

Hello, It’s nice to meet you.

I’m very excited to have been invited to join Illumination as a writer.

I wasn’t always a writer, but I’ve always been a reader.

I’ve worked as a butcher, an accountant, a cashier, and a painter. I’ve also been an editor, manager, controller, advisor, and a youth and grief counsellor.

I sometimes wish I’d been a scientist. Or a mathematician.

I dropped out of high school at 16 and lived in a commune for several years. The life lessons I learned during that time are the ones that taught me the most and stuck with me the longest.

In 2015 I found my voice and began to write. I met a group of writers online and we published Breathing Words, an anthology. It was the result of a rare collaboration of people who valued words more than syntax.

I live on the West Coast of Canada on the big island, where I’m planting a food garden for the coming apocalypse.

image by author 2019

I’ve been a single parent and am now a happy member of a blended family. Both of these were adventures that I didn’t anticipate. I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

I like to play around on my ukulele. I used to play the trombone, the flute and later the bassoon. I’ve never played piano.

I love to travel but didn’t get a chance to do that until later in life. I love to explore Asia, especially Myanmar. Camping at the lake is the best part of my summers.

Multitasking is one of my greatest strengths and also my biggest weakness. I’m learning to take time to enjoy the experience of life without being attached to the outcome.

Allowance is my superpower. Also patience.

I recently discovered that living in an earthquake zone prepared me for quarantine.

Spiritual practices and rituals have always interested me. I’m always open to learning something new. I meditate daily.

Reading articles and poetry written by other writers inspires me. I’ve been a Medium member since August 2019 and have published articles on travel and spirituality, parenting and finances. I somehow managed to be curated a few times but have no idea what I did right.

Thanks so much to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for this project. It’s going to be an interesting journey as we continue to build this community and I look forward to the adventure.

Thank you for reading.

Here’s an update — My bio I wrote as an editor and writer for Illumination and Illumination-Curated.

Thanks Illumination for your support and publication!

Tag me @treelangdon or add a message to this post if you’d like to connect. I’m a‘Top Writer’ in Poetry on Medium. Find me on Twitter and Facebook.

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