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The text encourages readers to take charge of their lives and be the stars of their own stories, rather than playing supporting roles.


The article emphasizes the importance of embracing life and actively pursuing one's goals. It highlights the dangers of complacency and procrastination, and encourages readers to evaluate the traditions, norms, and expectations that guide their lives. The author suggests that readers should seek new ideas, listen to others, set goals, make plans, be decisive, take pride in themselves, and direct their time effectively.


  • Procrastination, complacency, and living on autopilot can lead to a life that is not fulfilling.
  • Traditions, norms, and expectations should be evaluated to ensure they align with one's values and contribute to a meaningful life.
  • New ideas and perspectives can be found everywhere, and readers should be open to them.
  • Setting goals and making plans is essential for achieving one's dreams.
  • Being decisive and confident can help readers navigate life's choices.
  • Taking care of oneself, both physically and mentally, is crucial for success.
  • Time is precious, and readers should be mindful of how they spend it.
  • Being the star of one's life does not mean being selfish or greedy, but rather embracing life and pursuing one's goals with passion and purpose.


You are the star…

Photo by author

Ready, Set, Action


Don’t be a supporting character.

Letting the wave (of life) carry you along will only leave you floundering or drowned.

Procrastination, complacency, living in a fog, being on autopilot. – puts other things and people in the drivers seat.

Rather, build out the scenes and OWN YOUR LIFE.

There are choices all around.

Possibilities to grow appear more often than one would think.

They are everywhere and anywhere.

Being the star of your life does not mean shirking responsibility nor leading a life of conceit or greed.

So what does this mean?

How can this be done?

Am I not already the star of my life?

Many people go through life as a supporting character or as a passenger. They adjust their life to the circumstances that hit or allow others to determine each path. They accept what was presented and carry on.

Being the star means you wholly embrace your life, your choices, and go after what you want.

This is not to say there won’t be challenges and risk – but really that’s the case even when doing nothing at all.

It’s worth the effort to make the effort.

Here are some key components that will lead the way to proactively creating your life:

Stop the procrastination

Complacency is a horrible epidemic that feeds our culture. Things are doing ok, the job is palatable, bills paid for the month, all good right? Maybe – it depends.

Is this the life you seek? Do you feel an inner sense of joy and satisfaction? Do you feel empowered? Or do you feel trapped?

Evaluate the traditions, norms, & expectations that lead your life.

Do they compliment your life? Do they make you a better person? If you truly believe in the ideas, the purposes of these ideologies, and they further your life in a meaningful way, that is good. Carry on!

However, if they are done out of obligation, a sense duty or expectation (by others) it’s time to think again.

Be seeking

New ideas are everywhere. They can spur from a conversation at the store, a glance at the headlines, or a book you are reading. Being alert, aware, and embracing every moment generates life. Use it to propel yourself forward, to create traction. Proactively seek your next steps.


Have lots of conversations. Immerse yourself, develop rapport with people around you. Everyone brings forth their own unique experiences and perspectives. So much valuable knowledge. Absorb it, think on it, and grow.

Set goals and make a plan

When talking about goals, you must know what your big picture WHY is. Everything trickles from that vantage. Determine the ultimate movie climax you want to see in your life.

Keep goals realistic – determine what the big picture pieces are and what is required to attain them. From there, planning becomes granular. Work towards it daily, weekly — setting realistic todos that move you closer to the dream. Develop a minimum “floor” of self expectation and check in with yourself every morning.

Be decisive

Grow confidence. When faced with a choice, determine your pick and go for it. Embrace it and have fun exploring it. Choose the option which most aligns with your WHY.

Indecisiveness wastes time. Worst case scenario – you realize you made a mistake. It’s OK. Direct your focus the other way. Yes that may create delay. But what have you gained? Valuable insight, knowledge for the future. You will still get there!

Strive for your home to be a reflection of you

All of above can also apply to your home, your car, and all your physical spaces. Your approach to life must reduce stress and energize you at every level. Keeping things decluttered, tossing items that bring no joy (as taught by the amazing Maria Kondo), decorating to suit your taste.

Take pride in yourself

Taking care of self, and respecting the amazing human machine will skyrocket your successes. A healthy mind and body is an energy boost like no other. From clothing, health, fitness, eating habits to mindfulness and mental activity – It all comes together.

Love your body. Love your mind. Take time to be patient with yourself.

Direct your time

Time is precious. Life moves quickly. Say no to abusive or offensive people. There is no place for bullies’ in your life. For the most part, don’t say yes just to be nice. If something doesn’t work you, say so. Collaborate. If it’s important enough, then alternatives will be found.

Becoming the leader of your life shows the world how much you respect yourself and everyone around you.

It’s not about being better than others, it’s about loving yourself.

  • Don’t depend on others or things to fill voids.
  • Cherish this one amazing existence.
  • Visualize your star glowing strong.
  • Be grateful for the moments

It’s Monday – time to Be your own hero.

Be well! 🙋🏽‍♀️

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