avatarCindy Steinberg (she/her)


The webpage article critiques the patriarchal construct of monogamy and its limitations in modern relationships, advocating for a more equitable and liberating relationship model.


The article, titled "It’s Time to Break Up with Monogamy," questions the traditional concept of monogamy, suggesting it is a misogynistic construct that promotes possession and exclusivity, often reducing women to mere objects. The author highlights the double standards present in society, where men are celebrated for their romantic exploits while women are judged for the same actions. The article calls for a relationship revolution that goes beyond the constraints of monogamy, allowing individuals to navigate their desires honestly and openly, free from societal judgment. The author emphasizes that breaking free from monogamy does not equate to dismissing love or commitment but rather advocates for a more equitable relationship model.

Bullet points

  • The article critiques the patriarchal norms of monogamy, suggesting it is a construct that promotes possession and exclusivity, often reducing women to objects.
  • The author points out the double standards present in society, where men are celebrated for their romantic exploits while women are judged for the same actions.
  • The article calls for a relationship revolution that goes beyond the constraints of monogamy, allowing individuals to navigate their desires honestly and openly, free from societal judgment.
  • Breaking free from monogamy does not equate to dismissing love or commitment but advocates for a more equitable relationship model.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of individuality, empowerment, and freedom in relationships.
  • The article suggests that the traditional concept of monogamy is past its expiration date and needs to be redefined.
  • The author encourages readers to embrace a world where 'mine' and 'ours' do not dictate one's worth.

It’s Time to Break Up with Monogamy

We’re in a Toxic Relationship with a Misogynistic Construct

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Hey you lovely rebels, gather ‘round for a tale as old as time — or at least as old as patriarchal norms. Today, let’s unpack the grand masterpiece that is monogamy, shall we? Spoiler alert: it’s not as romantic as they want you to believe.

‘Mine’ and ‘Ours’ — A Patriarchal Symphony

So, picture this: a society that glorifies the idea of possession and exclusivity. Monogamy, my dear friends, is the star of this patriarchal symphony. It’s the concept that tells you, “This person is MINE.” Ah, nothing screams romance like treating someone like a prized possession, am I right?

Let’s unmask the not-so-romantic side of this possession tango, where individuals are marked as ‘taken.’ Monogamy, with all its glittery promises, often conceals the shackles beneath the rose-tinted surface. The ‘ownership’ label may look like a shiny bow, but trust me, it’s just a prettified chain, limiting the essence of true partnership. How did we let ‘mine’ become synonymous with love?

Monogamy, with its charming roots in history, has often reduced women to the status of a coveted object. “Claimed” by a man, as if we’re living in some medieval marketplace. Newsflash: We’re not assets; we’re human beings.

‘Happily Ever After’ — or Are We Just Trapped?

The fairy tales sell us on the idea that monogamy equals ‘happily ever after.’ But let’s be real. Isn’t it a tad bit suspicious that the ‘ever after’ part usually involves a woman finding her prince charming and settling down? As if a woman’s life revolves around ‘catching’ a man. Please, give us a break.

It’s as if the story concludes when she finds her prince. But, wait, is that really the end? Not in the real world, my friends.

Cinderella found her prince, but what about her dreams, her ambitions, her self-discovery? Monogamy, as depicted in these tales, tends to confine a woman’s narrative within the walls of domestic bliss. Let’s hit pause on this script and acknowledge that women are the authors of their own stories, not mere characters waiting for ‘happily ever after.’

Women aren’t damsels waiting to be rescued; they are architects of their destinies. Monogamy, when embraced without the constraints of societal expectations, can be a canvas for individual growth, shared aspirations, and a partnership that nurtures both partners’ dreams. It’s time to rewrite the narrative to include women stepping into their own power, creating ‘ever after’ stories that transcend the limitations of outdated fairy tales.

Imagine a world where ‘happily ever after’ isn’t a full stop but a continuation of self-discovery, shared adventures, and mutual support. It’s a place where women aren’t defined by their relationship status but celebrated for the multifaceted, dynamic individuals they are.

‘Ever after’ doesn’t have to be a fixed destination. It can be an ongoing journey where both partners grow, evolve, and carve out spaces for their unique narratives. Let’s shatter the glass slipper and step into a world where women aren’t confined by outdated fairy-tale endings but are the authors of their own extraordinary stories

Monogamy’s Sidekick — Double Standards

Ah, the delightful world of double standards. Monogamy often comes with a side of hypocrisy, dished out in unequal portions. A man can sow his wild oats, and society applauds him. A woman? Well, let’s just say she’s walking on eggshells. Why? Because societal norms are the ultimate wingman to monogamy’s discriminatory game.

Society’s expectations often showcase a glaring imbalance, where a man’s romantic adventures are celebrated as conquests, while a woman engaging in the same is met with raised eyebrows and judgmental whispers. It’s like navigating a dance floor where the steps aren’t just uneven; they’re downright discriminatory.

Why is it that men are praised for their romantic conquests, labeled as ‘players,’ and encouraged to explore their desires freely, while women are burdened with societal expectations of purity and restraint? Monogamy, in its traditional form, often reinforces these disparities, creating a relationship landscape where men are applauded for playing the field while women are expected to tiptoe through a minefield of judgment.

Breaking Free — Monogamy, We Need to Talk

In a world where we champion individuality, empowerment, and the freedom to choose, why are we still clinging to the antiquated norms of monogamy? It’s time to have a chat, monogamy. Let’s redefine relationships beyond possessiveness and exclusivity. After all, love shouldn’t be about claiming, it should be about uplifting.

If being with multiple partners is one of your desires, it’s part of who you are as a unique individual. That shouldn’t be surrendered in order to conform to someone else’s ideals. And, frankly, when men say they want to be exclusive, what they really mean is that they want you to be exclusive, not them. Trust me, they still want to sleep with other people.

It’s time to advocate for a relationship model that fosters equality. Love should be a liberating force, not a set of restrictive rules dependent on gender. It’s time to rewrite the script, creating a space where both partners, regardless of gender, can navigate the complexities of desire with honesty, openness, and the assurance that societal norms won’t serve as judge and jury.

Unleash the Relationship Revolution

As we close the book on this snarky saga, remember this — dumping monogamy doesn’t mean dismissing love or commitment. It’s about breaking free from the chains of a construct that’s past its expiration date. So, my fellow rebels, let’s usher in a relationship revolution where love is a celebration, not a possession. Cheers to rewriting the rules and embracing a world where ‘mine’ and ‘ours’ don’t dictate our worth.

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