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It’s Time For A Change

So I changed my thinking and “Presto,” things changed

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

We have a daughter who, when she was much younger, would be outside playing. Running, romping, and stomping! She would burst in the door, out of breath, and immediately blurt out “I’m bored.”

How many times have you been doing the same thing that you may have done daily for a long time, stopped, and thought “I’m bored?” This may be from recreation, career activities, child raising, or any number of instances.

We all know how to get bored and it may be quite easy. The feeling of ennui, or “duh,” wraps around us at times like a blanket, leaving us feeling trapped in nothingness.

The feeling is real and so is the desire to break out of it before being smothered.

How do you free yourself from this sticky coating before it becomes permanent? Great news! It is very simple, but maybe not very easy at first.

I have heard for a long time and subscribe to the saying “Change your thinking, change your life.” This is not as complicated as it may first appear to be.

We have discussed before the difference between looking with your eyes and looking through your eyes. When you look with your eyes, you see the world in 3D. This is great when you wish to add a little dimension to what you see.

When you look through your eyes, you go beyond what your five senses show you. You add your psyche into the mix and this may change your entire perspective on everything.

Changing your life is as simple as tweaking your perspective. even a little bit. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that can be used to change your thinking.

Remember, The Law of Attraction is similar to a mirror of your life. The image you place into it is the image that you get out of it. Put in a happy image, and you get joy in return. Put in a downer and you will be rewarded with despair.

What image do you wish to see when you look into your mirror of life? Don’t forget “Fake it ‘till you make it.” If you are in a depression or lower mood, put a smile on your face and a song in your heart and you will then see happiness, joy, and freedom in your mirror of life.

But, if you have not had enough gloom and doom, pout and mope into your mirror and be prepared to wallow in it. This will be your reward.

The choice is yours. You are free to choose exactly how you feel at any given time. Do you want to soar with the eagles or do you want to crawl with the creatures?

The choice is simple for me to make! And, because I wish to be happy, joyous, and free, it is also easy. I am ready to strive for new heights so that I can have the vision of the eagle. What about you?

Thank you, God!

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✍ — Published by Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines.

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