Hourglass Poetry
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain…
As I sat listening while it rained to my favorite song- and yes, an ancient classic one as it came out in 1962 by The Cascades, 10 years before I come as a human on this earth.
Don’t know how many of you have heard it and loved it, as I do. But one thing is for sure, this song brings out the best in me — my creativity to another level. So as I sat listening to it this morning, sipping my almond milk cappuccino and reading through Medium, enjoying it as well as the rain, an idea struck me like thunder.
I created a new poetry style and have called it Hourglass Poetry. Hold on, don’t fret — I shall just explain it. An hourglass has perfect timing and that can really challenge you to complete what’s started in just a single turn while the sand trickles down or well in maximum 2 turns till you overturn it around.
So here’s the challenge — in the first bit you think of the topic you wish to write the poem on. Since it’s a new season — let’s get creative with “Monsoon” as the core topic. In the next turnaround, you can word your poem.
Now coming to calling it HOURGLASS POETRY and shaping it as hourglass , the first word has to be a 9 letter word, followed by a 7 letter, a four-letter, and lastly a 2 letter word before we start again with a 2,4,7 and 9 letters respectively in ascending order.
So here is my Hourglass Poem “It’s Raining”. Well, I wrote it and set it as an Hourglass and clicked the picture as that’s how it’s meant to be. You can also do the same or else if you know how to configure the spaces and lines here, please do so and drop me a note too on how to do so.
Till then Happy Creating and yes… don’t forget to listen to my favorite song too as you write along. Especially calling all the creative geniuses to try this fresh form out and share it. Awaiting creations from Gurpreet Dhariwal Desiree Driesenaar Dennett Chirag Taruni Manasi Diwakar Dr. Mehmet Yildiz Paul Myers MBA Helen Cassidy Page Niki Marinis Nicole Akers Sam H Arnold Timothy Key Dr. Michael Heng Dr. John Rose P.G. Barnett B. A. Cumberlidge. Christina M. Ward Chris Hedges Connie Song Melanie Rockett. Meghan Gause Arjan Tupan and each and everyone who reads this.
©️ Geetika Sethi July 2020
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