avatarEduard Nicoara


Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

It’s Not Too Late To Join The Creator Economy With These 3 “Jobs”

It’s a new way to make a person whole again

The industrial revolution created the jobs you see today.

The method to learn these jobs? School.

We live in another type of revolution. The digital one.

This one allows the creation of 8 BILLION monopolies.

What do I mean by that?

Every Person Is a Company

The only difference here is that you don’t have a boss. (Only Yourself) And you work on your own terms.

  • It’s more fulfilling
  • You do work you actually like
  • You don’t have a schedule set in stone

Every person gets to discover a new of making money. Online.

They use their creativity and persistence to achieve something, not a degree.

But what kind of “jobs” did this new economy create?

There are a lot of them, but here are some.

I consider them to be key and most profitable.

The new type of economy requires new ways of learning

Just like school was made popular to create factory workers, the digital revolution enabled a different system of learning.

One where you aren’t forced to choose one path.

One where you have higher chances of success. You are treated like a human, not another statistic.

One where you get to choose who you want to learn from. People follow people, not buildings.

The Online Educator

Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

He is someone who excels in 2 things:

  • Writing about his knowledge of a subject
  • Making products that are helpful to people who want to know that subject.

Want to become an educator?

  • Pick a platform
  • Pick your niche or field of expertise
  • Write about your life experiences as well as your niche experiences
  • Find out what the pain points of people are by asking questions and engaging with your audience
  • Finally, you can sell this knowledge in the form of an ebook, course, masterclass, cohort, etc…

It’s as simple as that.

Educators were present from the beginning.

It’s one of the oldest that retained a large influence on humanity. The rules just changed a little.

You don’t need to be an expert on a subject. You just need to be 2 steps ahead of somebody else on the same journey.

The Content Curator

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

“The content curator is someone who curates content” was my first thought.

Wrong and kind of stupid. I know.

But really, what he does is:

  1. Create content ( again in one niche, being specific )
  2. Gets his income by only leveraging their audience and making money out of:
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Ad revenue from platforms that give it
  • Small Ticket Products

This goes to show that content is king. And this type of work compounds. Big time.

It’s a brand whose entire marketing strategy is just CONTENT.

Middle Man

Photo by Constantin Wenning on Unsplash

Here is the one I find MOST interesting.

The middleman doesn’t sell something.

His purpose is still to grow on social media by posting content, right?

But where this becomes interesting is what his focus is on.

He focuses more on networking than charging his followers.

If you can just connect 2 people who need each other.

And offer value to both of them by connecting them.

Then you are golden, my friend.

People are strong together, but it’s difficult to find the puzzle pieces in this big world.

Even with the internet, like-minded individuals like you are a rare gem.

You don’t need a big following. You need a small circle of friends.

In conclusion:

The new creator economy enabled:

  • Educators
  • Middlemen
  • Content Curators

To not only exist, but to prosper as well in this age.

AI will replace all labor jobs in the far future.

Humans were meant to create and be authentic, and unique.

Share stories and experiences. Live Laugh Love.

My question to you is…

Will you join the new revolution now, or leave it a “I’ll do it next year”

Thank you for reading.

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Creator Economy
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