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It’s Hard to Ignore the Fact that it’s Thursday, Writing Tips Time

The Proof is All Around Us.




  1. Belief in or advocacy of change by degrees; gradualism.

Incrementalism is a method of working by adding to a project using many small incremental changes instead of a few (extensively planned) large jumps. Logical incrementalism implies that the steps in the process are sensible. Logical incrementalism focuses on “the Power-Behavioral Approach to planning rather than to the Formal Systems Planning Approach”. Wikipedia

Ten minutes at a time.


Those of you who are regular readers may recall that I wrote my first book in a manner like I got my real estate license. I wanted to accomplish a particular thing, even though most of my time was being consumed by something else.

I was working in what many of you call the corporate world, and, at my lunch break, I would go out to my Jeep, eat my sandwich, and spend my last 10 or 15 minutes studying a list of facts, provided by someone else, that I would need to know in order to pass the real estate exams. A little effort, but every day.

Then, after I was in the self-employed world when I was asked by a customer if I had my ideas in book form, I used the same technique to write my first book. A little every day at lunch.

You would be amazed how those lunch breaks of productivity add up.

This is why I am the accidental author. To be an intentional author, and write a book, was so overwhelming to think about, I would never start. To spend ten minutes at lunch was, at least doable.

By now, I have written nearly thirty books, and am finishing up the latest one called the Ten-Minute Book, in which I expand on that theory, and add more painless tweaks and hacks to help new writers or wannabe writers bridge the gap between wishful thinking and concrete achievement.


AI (Accidental intelligence) by the Accidental Author, Don Martin, can be found HERE. Subscribe and “make something of yourself.” -your mom

Originally published at https://donmartinstoryteller.substack.com.

Thanks for reading!

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning.

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