avatarDr. Ashish Bamania


It Is Possible To Beat Obesity & Reverse Diabetes (Unfortunately The Media & Society Won’t Let You Do It)

Credits: Midjourney

Are you feeling sad & stressed today? Here’s your glass of cola with your favourite cheese-loaded pizza. Now 10 times larger at the same price!

An average person sees this as an innocent little ad that makes them happy and helps them save some money.

The dark reality is that the same average person is getting depressed, poor and sick every single day, watching and following these happy lil ads.

The following is how the junk-food economy works:

  • They tap on your emotions when you feel insecure.
  • Then they feed you junk that makes you fat and sick.
  • They ask you to exercise more when you are fat.
  • They offer expensive drugs and treatment when you are sick.

Oh, I missed another one.

They also publish studies that say that it’s impossible to beat Obesity.

In this article, I will tell you why it is becoming almost impossible for the modern-day average person to beat Obesity (& its consequences).

(Surprisingly, it’s not what the above studies tell.)

#1 : Sugar Is Everywhere & It Is Choking Up Our Bloodstream

6 months ago, I found myself trapped under a deep delusion that I consume no sugar in my diet.

I drank barista-made coffee and orange juice, ate protein bars, ‘healthy’ oats and muesli-based breakfasts, along with naans and curries for lunch and dinner on most days.

One day I accidentally checked the labels and ingredients of these food items and found out that they were FULL of sugar (including the ‘healthy’ low-sugar protein bars and fruit juices).

I was unknowingly eating more than 10–15 tablespoons of sugar a day.

What a sweet surprise!

But why is sugar present in all the food items these days?

The reason is that sugar-laden food sells better because sugar is more addictive than cocaine. And once you’re addicted to something, selling it is easy af.

You don’t want to believe this but the reality is that:

Sugar Is An Addictive Drug.

Sugar kills more people than smoking and alcohol.

And, just because something is popular and normal in society, doesn’t mean that it’s good for you. (Most popular things are the worst these days.)

Photo by Phil Aicken on Unsplash

#2: Your Definition Of Cool & Sexy Contains Sugar & Alcohol

The best way to trap someone into something is to incorporate that thing into their definition of cool & sexy.

Think about it.

What do people do when they go out for their weekend fun?

They drink alcohol, eat junk and ‘celebrate’ (oh, well!).

People who deviate from this norm are called uncool, spoilsports, geeks and nerds.

It is surprising that self-sabotage is deeply engrained in our definition of cool and sexy.

Bryan Johnson describes it perfectly in this YouTube video.

In the video, he shares his experience of his 17-year-old son consistently bringing a healthy vegetable-packed lunch to school while his friends eat junk food.

Devastated by his son’s healthy eating habits, one of the kids tweets—

“I don’t know what’s going on with this guy at home but I hope everything’s all right.”

Do you also think that Brian’s son is so uncool?

My another interesting observation is that the idea of femininity is subconsciously sold attached to desserts and chocolates.

Women are primarily targeted by this type of marketing.

Do you think that it’s perfectly normal for you to send your significant other doughnuts for lunch? It’s such a sweet gesture, isn’t it?

Congratulations to the marketing agencies if you do. This is working very well!

Source: Delish

#3: Your Favorite YouTube Body-Building Guru Feels That You Are Fat Because You Don’t Gym

Pop culture nutrition advice is garbage.

Eating less and working out more does not work for weight loss, even when good-looking models who have 150 kg of pure muscle mass, say so.

The truth is that obese people cannot eat less.

They have permanent changes in their brain that force them to keep eating more even when they logically know that they should eat less.

More than 90% of people who lose weight by eating less and exercising more, gain it back in the next 10 years. This famously includes the winners of the Biggest Loser TV show.

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

#4: The Food Pyramid Taught In Schools Is Flawed

The food pyramid asks one to eat 6–11 servings of carbohydrates every day.

WTH! Are you kidding me?

Food Pyramid (Source: Wikipedia)

This advice goes against human biochemistry.

The truth is that this much amount of carbohydrate will keep spiking your blood glucose and Insulin, and keep making you fat with every single meal.

#5: Body Positivity Celebrates Obesity

I am against shaming obese people.

But modern body positivity has taken a step forward to celebrating obesity.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic issue.

The Mayo Clinic defines it as a complex disease involving having too much body fat.

It is a risk factor for hundreds of health conditions including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and early death.

It has been found that many junk food-producing companies fund the body positivity movement.

When popularized through media, this normalizes ill health and makes a ton of money for these companies.

#6: Obesity Makes Money For Big Pharmaceutical Companies & Hospitals

A large study that looked at the health records of 2.4 million adults in north-west London found that Obese patients cost the NHS twice as much as those of healthy weight.

This is concerning in countries where healthcare is free for all (like in the UK).

In countries like the USA, this is a money-making opportunity.

Get people fat — sell drugs — sell treatments —sell surgeries — get rich.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

#7: Paid Popular Media Discourages Scientific Weight Loss Methods

It has been studied multiple times that low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets have the potential to reverse Type 2 Diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

It eliminates cravings and gives an opportunity to someone obese to finally lose weight.

Check out the studies mentioned below:

There are too many of them to state them all.

On one hand, we have Dr. David Unwin running a clinic that promotes a low-carb diet as a cure for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

There is also Dr. Shawn Baker with Revero promoting such diets for the reversal of metabolic disorder.

On the other hand, we have some other popular and trusted media organizations that spread that the ketogenic diet is bad for you.

It’s not even surprising to me why.

Photo by Julia Koblitz on Unsplash

I know that many won’t see this as an absolutely disastrous state but unfortunately, this is the deep dark reality that’s killing us with its slow poison.

I hope reading this article helps you look through and rise up.

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