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Isabela Vasiliu, an author and nature enthusiast, introduces herself and her work, "Transcendental Forests," reflecting her journey of self-discovery, love, and creativity, which she found through connecting with nature and writing poetry.


Isabela Vasiliu, the author of "Transcendental Forests," shares her personal journey from being a 20-year educator to embarking on a profound inner voyage that transformed her understanding of love and self-care. Initially more comfortable in nature than the online world, she found herself drawn to express herself through writing on Medium, supported by individuals like Dr. Mehmet Yildiz and fellow writers Robert Nelson, John Ross, and Volo Vash. Her work is an artistic expression of her spiritual journey, which taught her the importance of self-love and the beauty of inner peace. Isabela's writing, which she describes as a child born from her own metaphorical death, is a testament to her growth and the divine inspiration she encountered along the way.


  • Isabela values the support and encouragement she received from other writers and Medium Support, particularly Andy, as she navigated the platform.
  • She expresses deep gratitude to those who have clapped for her stories, highlighting the importance of community support in her writing journey.
  • The author emphasizes the significance of self-love, noting that loving others more than oneself can lead to exhaustion and the need for a shift in perspective.
  • Isabela's connection to nature is a central theme in her life and work, serving as a source of inspiration and a sanctuary for healing and growth.
  • She views her writing as a form of visual poetry, which has allowed her to tap into a creative source and share her spiritual journey with others.
  • The concept of "tree-shaped poems" suggests a unique approach to poetry, possibly reflecting the interconnectedness of nature and human emotion.
  • Isabela's experiences have led her to advocate for non-judgment, not expecting too much from others, and recognizing that everyone has their own truth and journey.
Image Courtesy of Author

Writer Bio

Isabela Vasiliu. Author of Trancendental Forests. An Introduction

I thrive in Nature.

The online world has never really been my thing. But life just seems to have a way of taking us places in spite of ourselves and our tendencies to control our destinies.

So here I am. Very much uncertain of how long I am going to be here. But grateful to Medium as well as to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for allowing me this opportunity to express myself and to share my stories.

Before I begin my introduction, I would like to share three poems I wrote last night, May 9. As it happens with these “poems” for me, they just pop into my mind, like a voice that wants to make itself heard. And so I obey it. Because I know it’s my heart wanting to write. I get up and write these poems down on a piece of paper. Then I turn some of them into trees. Occasionally into people or other shapes.

These poems are for three of the people who supported me in the very early days when I started to publish my stories on this platform: Robert Nelson, John Ross and Volo Vash. This is my way of thanking you, guys, for all the clapping you did for me.

There have been others too. Abhishek Verma, Dimitris Leo, Matt Lillywhite, Ms. Mary Ann, Karen Madej and others, thank you all for your great support!

I would also like to thank Andy from Medium Support who helped me a lot as I was trying to learn how to navigate the platform. :)

Sir Robert, Sir,

Defender of Nature,

Writes of emotions, abuse

And adventure.

Of coal sludge and toxins

Infesting our waters,

And of close encounters

With bears and “sentient” others.

I need something ending with ‘atched’

How about Robert:

“Majesty Unmatched”

John the Sensitive

With a heart of gold

Tells stories of old

And writes with such soul

That the world stops

To savour the gold.

He finds solace in silence

And he opens his heart

Even to a “rugged-looking man”

Who left the coffee mart,

Leaving John,

Who had said NO,


And wanting

To offer his HEART.


Of Vast Knowledge

Preceding the heart

Had to go through society

But found it quite hard.

Until one day

When he studied so hard

That he found all the secrets

To society’s smart.

But a Russian guy

Came and took it apart

So the “masks came off”

And now Volo is a Bart

Quite happy to “transcend

Through emotions” of the Heart.

I grew up in a little village in Romania. In 2005 I left my home country (and my hard-earned job with the English department at the local university) to travel to Thailand. Leaving the familiarity of my environment was the best decision of my life. What followed were 15 years of enriching, multi-cultural adventures I consider myself fortunate to have experienced.

As a family member, 20-year educator, partner and friend, I dedicated my life to being of service to or loving others. Completely and unconditionally. Albeit oblivious to what it meant to love myself.

Everything changed when somebody said to me, “You love others more than you love yourself.” Coupled with sheer exhaustion and the stress of modern living, a new truth was now staring me in the face. Something had to give.

I had to meet ME. A new love affair began. The floodgates opened. An intense, challenging, yet very rewarding journey into my soul. A journey that brought love, healing, growth and divine inspiration. A journey that allowed me to tap into a creative source I didn’t know existed and to “give birth” to tree-shaped poems. Transcendental Forests (a compilation of stories and visual poetry) is the artistic expression of this spiritual journey.

A journey that has taught me never to judge. Never to expect anything of others, as it puts pressure on them and sets us up for disappointment. Never to think that we know people until they truly share their truth with us. For every one of us has their own truth. Their own story. Their own journey.

Of all the extensive and beautiful travelling I had done over the years (for which I remain grateful), this inner journey turned out to be something of a miracle. Nothing short of a rebirth. A new life. A life where self-love is no longer an afterthought.

A life that I intend to spend resting, nourishing myself and my soul, being loved and loving and, most importantly, enjoying the precious space, silence and peace of mind I have long been fighting for.

In Nature. Where I can be with trees. Where I can enjoy every moment as it unfolds and wait patiently for life to surprise me again.

Willow Tree, April 29, 2020. Image Courtesy of Author.

A quote that speaks volumes to me:

Image Courtesy of Author

Isabela’s writing/art history: My writing is a child who was born when I died. Not too long ago.

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