avatarAngela Buffington


Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash
  • Is Your Mother Crazier Than Mine?
  • For adult children of narcissistic mother’s!!

I am starting off with my first experience in my life , with my mother, that, although I did not realize her disorder at the time of being a young adult, I came to this awareness, from attending therapy years later!! This story starts with my asking my mother if I could come to the house and do a small load of laundry, mostly my uniforms for work. I was a cocktail waitress in the gaming town of Central City, Colorado, where the uniforms were sexy, but classy!! A “TUX” style outfit, with a short skirt and heels, but the top buttoned to the neck with a BOW TIE, hence the “TUX” look!! Very cute!! I was in my mid twenties, and had struggled to earn every penny I made, unlike my two younger brothers, who were given desks at my Fathers Real Estate Company, where their licenses were paid for and renewed every year, even though they hardly showed their faces there, upsetting the other realtors, because they had to cover “THE FLOOR” on the weekends, as my brothers never showed, and were GIVEN DADS’ DEALS, because DAD WAS THE BOSS!! BROKER AND OWNER!! And would split all his deals with my brothers, without them ever doing a DROP OF WORK!! He was always an extreme male chauvinist, and was determined not to EVER LET A WOMAN BECOME MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN HIS BOYS, NAMELY HIS DAUGHTER/THEIR SISTER, and my mother used this against me, any chance she got!! I lived down the road, in a cabin, with no washer/dryer, which is why I would occasionally do my laundry there, where I lived in High School!! It was MY HOME TO ME!! But throughout the years to come, she would completely strip that feeling away from me, to eventually make “HOME” feel more like “HELL”, and SHE, SATAN!! Which was so sad, because I ADORED MY MOTHER, and had NO IDEA HOW MUCH SHE DESPISED ME, for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON WHATSOEVER!! So on this particular day, when I asked to do my laundry, which was solely out of respect, because I didn’t feel I needed to ASK AT ALL, especially with my two younger, but adult brothers still living there!! My mother was super nice about it, and of course said yes, but was out of town, and just asked me to lock up when I left, if my brothers weren’t there, and I was off in a hurry, as she knew I had just enough time to wash my uniforms and get to work!! Needless to say I didn’t make it to work at all, as my mother had taken the HOSES OFF THE WASHER AND HID THEM, leading me on a WILD GOOSE HUNT, with me making call after call to her, to say that the hoses were NOT WHERE SHE KEPT SAYING THEY WERE!! And when I got aggravated and asked why she took them off to begin with, the only answer she gave me, was to “CONSERVE WATER”!! Which made no sense!! She told me first they were in her bedroom under her bed, and continued giving me a different location with each call I made to her, getting more and more angry with each call, and telling her I was going to either be extremely late or miss altogether, if I didn’t find those hoses!! Suddenly, the WEIRDEST THING EVER HAPPENED, my brother came home, while I was on the last call with my mother, looking for the hoses, and she very calmly asked me to hand the phone to my brother, and I did, and watched him walk straight to the couch, obviously being directed by my mother to do so, and he reached under the couch and VOILA!!, there they were, pretty as you please, and he handed them to me!! I can only imagine the look on my face, as it felt like my jaw was on the ground and weighed 500 POUNDS, because I was FROZEN, and COMPLETELY STUNNED, and didn’t know what to say or think!! Then the ANGER SET IN, and UTTER DISBELIEF IN WHAT HAD JUST HAPPENED!! I IMMEDIATELY GRABBED THE PHONE FROM MY BROTHER, and proceeded to yell at her, and asked her WHY THE HELL SHE JUST PUT ME THROUGH THAT? And her answer? “BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT YOU USING THE HOT WATER”!! Yea, I know, I felt the same way!! It made NO SENSE!! My parents had plenty of money and lived in a gorgeous mountain home!! And WHY DIDN’T SHE TELL ME THAT TO BEGIN WITH? To THIS DAY IT MAKES NO SENSE!! And this is ONLY ONE OF THE MANY CRAZY THINGS SHE DID TO ME IN THE NAME OF NARCISSISM, a VERY HARD DISORDER TO UNDERSTAND, and EVEN HARDER TO TREAT!! So this platform is allowing me the opportunity to share my crazy “NARCISSISTIC MOTHER “ stories, to others who might have gone and possibly still going through the pain I have endured, loving someone so very much, and not understanding why they “HATE” you enough to do what they do, and NOT realizing the agony their victims feel at their hands!! But while painful, we, as fellow writers, may have been brought together for a reason, so I invite you to open up with me, and let’s help each other by sharing our pain, and in return, release some laughter, that can bring us RELIEF!! LOVE YOU GUYS!! HAPPY WRITING!!

Womens Health
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