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Is Your Life Mediocre? I hope so!

Helena Lopes Unsplash

Do you scroll your social media feeds in a state of envy? Relish in pinning on your dream Pinterest board. Do you feel like you need to achieve more? Aren’t wealthy enough or successful enough? You need to stop and embrace the mediocre.

1. What is Mediocrity?

Mediocrity is often perceived negatively, but it shouldn’t be. At its heart, mediocre means “average” or “ordinary”. And while that does not sound enticing, there is nothing wrong with being average. Being mediocre has its advantages.

For one, it allows us to focus on the things we enjoy doing and exclude the things that do not bring us joy. Being mediocre also frees us from the pressure of constantly competing with others or trying to do and be better than everyone else. That is liberating.

2. Finding Joy in the Mundane

Happiness cannot be found solely through success and achievements. Joy lives in the simple pleasures and moments that we experience every day. Worryingly, we can overlook these simple moments whilst pursuing the grand ones that may never happen. Getting pleasure from the ordinary can help us appreciate our life instead of always wanting or needing more.

This means reading a good book, having coffee with a friend, or walking in the park. These might seem insignificant, but these small moments can bring immense joy and satisfaction to our daily lives. They also don’t rob you of your hard-earned money.

3. The Comparison Thief

The pressures of a social media-driven world can make it difficult to see the value of being average or typical. Instead, we compare ourselves to others and their accomplishments. Doing this can cause feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, anxiety, and resentment. It is important to remember that everyone has their road to traverse and that no two people’s journeys are the same. Scrolling through social media and envying a filtered, curated feed robs us of the rawness of life.

4. Embracing Mediocrity

Accepting our mediocrity can be challenging, but it is necessary for our mental health and overall well-being. It means acknowledging that we can achieve great things BUT don’t need to do so to find joy. Accepting mediocrity involves being kind to ourselves and permitting ourselves to try new things, fail, take breaks, and enjoy the present moment without obsessing over what comes next. We should do more than accept this. We should embrace it with open arms.

5. Find Joy in the ‘Boring’

We must cultivate gratitude and appreciate the mundane things to find happiness in the ordinary. This means staying present and being mindful of our intentions and actions. Surround yourself with positive people and things that inspire or make you laugh. Or relish in your own quiet solitude. Create moments in your day to do what makes you happy. Reading, writing, experiencing nature, or simply relaxing could be anything. Remember, enjoying the simple moments allows happiness to seep in unexpectedly.

Final Thoughts:

So, let’s be mediocre. Let’s embrace the ordinary. And most importantly, let’s not let envy rob us of the appreciation we can have over our accomplishments, however humble they may seem.

Self Improvement
Self Care
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