avatarStuart Englander


Is This Why We Write?

Day 6: What dwells within the unconscious mind?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What is this grist mill Where we manufacture words Strung together, aimed?

A biting satire Or perhaps lyrical theme Ever sparks the soul

Answers sought in ink Self propel, ignite the sense A truth found intact

A legacy born From behind the writer’s eyes Illuminates us.

My thanks once again to Tree Langdon for tagging me with this prompt…and keeping me away from what I dread but must do.

Thanks to Diana C. for the intriguing list of daily prompts, and to fellow poets Claire Kelly Noorain Hassan, BMS Liam Ireland Agnes Laurens Dr Preeti Singh Marcus Josh Balerite Acol Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) Joe Luca Desiree Driesenaar James G Brennan Terry Trueman Michael Burg, MD (AKA Medium Michael Burg) Terry Mansfield

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