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Is This The End of Personal Blogs?

Exploring the Evolution of Blogging in the Digital Age

Photo credit Content Pixie on Unsplash

I remember the days, not so long ago when personal blogs were the backbone of the internet. Individuals like you and I from all walks of life could share our thoughts, stories, and experiences on platforms like Blogger and WordPress.

Personal blogs, also known as lifestyle blogs, provide a unique glimpse into the lives and minds of people worldwide.

From travel diaries to food adventures, personal blogs were a treasure trove of diverse voices and perspectives.

But if you’re like me and build WordPress blogs for a living, you might have seen a decline in such commissions.


The Impact of Social Media

In the last twenty years, the internet has undergone enormous changes. In February 2004, our first biggest social media platform, Facebook, was launched. Rising to fame overnight became a temptation few celebrity wannabes could resist.

Shortly after the success of Facebook, six years later, Instagram was born. Favoring those who love to share snippets of their lives, it soon became the second most popular social media platform in the world.

As you probably witnessed yourself, in the last two decades, the landscape shifted dramatically.

During these twenty years, we’ve had one social media platform emerging after another. Some, like Twitter (X), cater to those who love to sum up their thought in a couple of sentences. Then came Snapchat and TikTok, offering quick, bite-sized content and immediate engagement.

With immediate engagement came instant gratification.

And as humans, we do like to reap the fruits of our label as soon as possible. Being exposed to a wide range of audiences, social media soon became the blogger’s best friend.

But despite these new and fancy platforms popping up and grabbing our attention, personal blogs were still thriving. Until.

Photo credit Ross Findon on Unsplash

The Age of Specialisation

A few years ago, specialized blogging became a must. Having a niche, and developing knowledge on specific topics became invaluable. These niche blogs attracted dedicated audiences interested in detailed, expert-level content. But to have a blog with a niche, you had to become an expert.

Once you become an ‘expert’, you could start charging for your knowledge.

While knowledge is power, it was an awareness that turned a lot of these bloggers free. Financially free.

And with specialized blogs came professional blogs.

Professionalisation of Blogging

With the growth of online marketing and monetization opportunities, blogging has become a legitimate career choice for many. Bloggers can now earn income through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and advertising. This shift towards professionalism has encouraged bloggers to invest more time and effort into creating high-quality, revenue-generating content.

Blogging became a full-time job for many previous ‘hobby’ bloggers.

The attention shifted from personal lives and opinions to focus on content that shares valuable information about other types of businesses and products.

Are Personal Blogs Truly Dead?

While the landscape has evolved and changed dramatically, it’s premature to declare the death of personal blogs.

The rise in WordPress blogs might be slowing down, platforms like Medium and Substack are thriving.

It is easy to see why.

As we go through another economic downturn, most people think twice before investing in their own WordPress blog.

What most new bloggers seem to forget is that owning your blog is like owning your own house. Blogging on someone else’s platform is more like renting a tiny piece of land.

The rules can change without notice, and you could lose your spot easily.

While personal blogs may not dominate the internet as they once did, they continue to have a place in the digital world. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Authenticity
  2. Ownership and Control
  3. Long-Form Content
  4. Resurgence of Interest

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to share your take on personal blogging.

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Personal Blog
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