avatarMohamed Aly, PhD


Is This Real or AI?

Write your answers in the comment section :)

Amidst the overwhelming ocean of AI advances we witness every day, I decided to start a fun challenge “Real or AI”, where I’ll share a picture with you and you give me the answer whether it’s AI or a real image (only based on your eye-assessment). Don’t be fooled, the quiz is not that easy so you really have to look for it. Here we go…

Looking at the image below, do you think it’s Real or AI? Write your comment below and I’ll share my answer in a week from the day of the publication. The winner will have a free copy of my next book summary “Atomic Habits”.

P.S.: No cheating (write your answers depending on your intuition). Also, be aware of double bluffs ;)



Artificial Intelligence
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