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Is Self Hatred Destroying Your Life? Here’s How to Fix That.

Self-hatred is the bait of Satan

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Do you ever feel so bad about yourself that you don’t want to look in the mirror? Do you make a simple mistake and then beat yourself all day, refusing to forgive yourself? Dump self-hate! It’s Satan’s bait. Self-loathing comes from the enemy. When you feel that way, you need to tell Satan to go back to hell where he came from and leave you alone.

Many people believe in God but don’t believe in the devil. If that’s what you think, you couldn’t be more wrong. Ephesians 6:12 says: For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

If you genuinely believe in God, you must believe in His word. The best way to battle our enemy, Satan, is by using God’s word against him. It’s what Jesus did. Matthew 4 tells the story of the Holy Spirit leading Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. You might be wondering, why would God have the Holy Spirit lead His son into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan? It was to show us by example how we are to do battle with the devil. 💪

Matthew tells us that Jesus hadn’t eaten anything for forty days, and He was hungry. The first temptation the devil threw at Christ was telling Him that if He was really the son of God, He should tell the rocks to become bread so that He could eat them. 🪨 — 🥖

Put yourself in Jesus’ shoes. If you had the power to turn rocks into bread when you were starving, and by doing so, you could eat and prove that you were who you said you were, you’d do it in a New York minute, and so would I. Hunger may not even be our strongest motivator.

Pride would be screaming for us to prove ourselves. You and I would just have to show Satan that he didn’t have power over us. But, by succumbing to his temptation, we just lost our control. And Satan has been using pride and our need to prove ourselves to beat us down since we were old enough to reason.🤔

Think about it. As a child, we all have knocked over a glass of milk or Kool-Aid. And if you are like me, the first feeling that came over you was one of shame. If you lived in an abusive household, as way too many of us have, fear is what followed. But why shame? Accidents happen. I’ll tell you why. If Satan can get you to think you are bad, stupid, or ugly, he’s got you in the palm of his hand. That is not where you want to be, folks.👿

So how did Jesus respond to Satan when he tried to tempt Him using pride and hunger? He refused to do what Satan told Him to and recited Scripture. He told the devil that bread doesn’t feed men’s souls: obedience to God is what we need. Four times Satan tried to tempt Christ, and four times Jesus recited back the word of God. You should read the story for yourself in Matthew chapter 4. You could easily wind up reading the entire chapter, and I know that you would get a lot out of it.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If I can impart one thing to you today, let it be this; self-hate is Satan’s bait. And you don’t have to take the bait. The Bible is full of beautiful scriptures about who God says you are. Embrace them.

In Romans 5, Paul tells us that Christ’s righteousness makes men right with God so that they can live. 1 John 5:18 tells us that if we belong to Christ, He holds us securely, and the devil cannot get his hands on us. Philippians 4:13 tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Deuteronomy 28:13 tells us we are the head and not the tail and shall always have the upper hand.

There are way too many scriptures for me to recite them all. My mentor, Joyce Meyer, has a great list of scriptures on her website. You can download them to your computer, put them on your phone or print them out so that you can refer to them and read them out loud whenever you need to. It’s a great idea to start making confessions of God’s word every day over your life. Not only will it lift you up, but it will put a hedge of protection around you.

Composed in Canva by Charisse Tyson

God put it on my heart to share this with you. Folks are reading this who have believed Satan’s lies for way too long. Your self-image and self-worth are at an all-time low. That needs to stop today. You are a child of God. He knew you when He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He has an excellent plan for your life. You are blessed, forgiven, and righteous in his sight. See yourself as God sees you and tell Satan to shut his pie hole.

I hope that I have encouraged you to cut yourself some slack. See yourself as God sees you. Ask Him to help you find self-love. You can’t give away what you don’t have. How can you love others if you don’t love yourself? 💕

If you need prayer or want to know more about a life with Christ I’m here to help. You can email me at [email protected].

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Self Hatred
Faith and Life
Bible Reading
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