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The website content discusses the concept of divine guidance versus luck and coincidence in the context of both an orchestra's harmony under a conductor and the precise order of the universe, suggesting that the universe, like a finely tuned orchestra, operates under a divine plan.


The article draws a parallel between the harmonious performance of an orchestra directed by a skilled conductor and the intricate, orderly functioning of the universe, attributing this cosmic harmony to the work of a divine creator. It posits that just as an orchestra's flawless execution earns praise for its conductor, the precise movements of celestial bodies and the lack of collisions in space are indicative of a universe orchestrated by God. The author, referencing Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, emphasizes that recognizing the divine plan in our lives can transform our perspective from one of struggle and coincidence to one of spirituality and love. The piece encourages readers to acknowledge the divine inspiration in everyday experiences rather than dismissing them as mere luck, and it concludes with a note of gratitude to the divine conductor of life.


  • The author believes that the universe's order, much like a well-conducted orchestra, is a result of divine guidance rather than mere luck or coincidence.
  • Reverend Stephanie Sorensen is cited to support the idea that everything occurs according to a divine plan and that awakening to spirituality can alleviate the struggle of trying to control life's outcomes.
  • The article suggests that dismissing positive experiences as "dumb luck" overlooks the miracles and the guiding hand of God in our lives.
  • It is implied that divine inspiration is ever-present, guiding individuals with love, and that life's experiences are manifestations of oneness with a loving universe.
  • The author expresses gratitude towards God for the divine orchestration of life, suggesting a personal belief in and appreciation for the divine role in existence.

Is It Luck and Coincidence Or Is It Divine Guidance?

is an easy question. Please don’t make it hard.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

What do people say about an orchestra maestro or conductor who brings a group of individual musicians together and then directs them to perform brilliantly and beautifully?

When the orchestra produces perfectly, the conductor is praised highly for his brilliance in melding all of these individuals together into one finely tuned unit.

There are public acclaimations and applause because, under the tutelage of this conductor, each one performs in perfect harmony with all of the others.

None of the individual musicians brings unharmonious sounds into the mixture. And the praise all goes to the maestro.

Now, let’s look at the finely tuned orchestra that we call the universe. Stars fly around in seemingly empty space and have been doing it perfectly for apparently millions of years. (if not longer)

Many of these stars or suns have planets orbiting them perfectly timed to not collide and be destroyed. Although there is much speculation, humans have not been able yet to actually see these phenomena “up close and personal.”

Only recently have humans been able to even set feet on our moon.

In our universe, this has all been orchestrated by our Creator, God, the Maestro or Conductor of all of life. Every star and planet seems to be right where it should be doing just what it is supposed to be doing.

While very few, if any, people think that they could lead a symphony orchestra with anywhere the skill it takes for the conductor to lead, many second guess the Great Maestro, God, about almost everything.

Photo by Tingey on Unsplash

Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, of The Life Enrichment Center, said recently in her talk “Dumb Luck or Divine Inspiration,Everything in this world happens according to the Divine Plan for Creation, and that includes our own life happening whether we are aware of it, or even interested that a Divine Plan is in place.”

Reverend Stephanie goes on to say “To awaken to Spirituality as our Reality is to live without struggling to make the things we want happen in that world, and without striving to make things we don’t want go away. To awaken to Spirituality as our Reality isn’t about trying to do anything.

It’s about being the Love that we are wherever we are. It’s as simple as that if we’d let it be. We are never without Divine Inspiration because no matter what we do, we’re included in the gentleness of Love’s guidance.

Then she brings up luck by saying “Do we see the Hand of God in our life while we’re living it? Do we see such experiences as the manifested proof of our Oneness with a Universe of Love loving us, caring for us, and conspiring to bring good things to us?

Or do we dismiss such experiences as simply “dumb luck”? We miss the miracles that are everywhere whenever we chalk up any experience to dumb luck. We replace the miracles that are natural to us with the struggle and strife of life.”

Was it Divine guidance that placed the talented musicians in the orchestra pit for the Conductor to lead? Or was this just another group that was lucky enough to somehow find one another to form the group?

With the many great orchestras all over the world, it is not difficult to believe that there is much more than luck or coincidence involved.

The only thing that I can add to this is Thank you, God!

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