

Intuition Is Commensurate With The Strength Of One’s Faith — So The One Who Is Stronger In Faith Has Stronger Intuition:

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Some of Those To whom Allah has given insight can work out people’s character From their Facial expressions.

“And you would know them by their mark; but you will surely know them by the tone of [their] speech”.(Muhammad 47:30).

Ibn al-Qayyim (May Allah have mercy on him) said, commenting on this verse: What is meant is that Allah, may He be glorified, affirmed that the Prophet(saw) should know about them From the tone of their speech,because knowing about the speaker and what he is hiding in his heart is more accurate than Finding that out by looking at his Facial Features and expression —

Because the words that a person utters give a greater indication of what is in his heart than the Features of his Face. Intuition has to do with two things: looking and listening.(Madaarij as-Saalikeen:2/483).

Ibn al-Qayyim called this intuition “Intuition based on Faith,” and he said regarding its cause, its reality and its origin:

Its cause is light that Allah shines into a person’s heart, by means of which he distinguishes between True and False, good and bad, one who is telling the truth and one who is lying.

Its reality is that it is a thought that occurs to a person which rules out the opposite. This thought springs to mind like a lion pouncing on its prey.… This intuition is commensurate with the strength of one’s Faith, so the one who is stronger in Faith has stronger intuition.

The origin of this type of intuition is light and life that Allah(swt) grants to whomever He wills among His slaves, and his heart is revived and illuminated by that, so this intuition is hardly ever mistaken.

Allah says:{And is one who was dead and We gave him life and made For him light by which to walk among the people like one who is in darkness, never to emerge therefrom? (Al-An‘aam 6:122).

He was deadened by disbelief and ignorance, then Allah revived him through Faith and knowledge, and by virtue of the Qur’an and Faith, He gave him light by means of which he will be able to interact with people in a proper manner, and will be able to walk through the darkness. And Allah knows best. (Madaarij as-Saalikeen:2/483-486).

Secondly With regard to reading Faces, this is a kind of intuition that is called “intuition based on physical appearance.”

Ibn al-Qayyim (May Allah have mercy on him) said: The Third type of intuition is intuition based on physical appearance, which doctors and others have discussed, and they Found indications in physical appearance of a person’s attitude and characteristics, because of the connection between them that has been ordained by the wisdom of Allah, such as Concluding on the basis of an extraordinarily small head that a person lacks reasoning.

Concluding on the basis of a large head and broad chest that a person has a good attitude and is Forbearing and easy-going; concluding on the basis of a narrow chest that a person is impatient; Concluding based on a dull and tired-looking eye that a person is slow-witted and impassive.

Concluding based on extreme whiteness of the eye with some redness that a person is courageous, brave and smart, and if the eye is round with some redness and shifts from side to side that a person is treacherous and untrustworthy.

Intuition Focuses mostly on the eye, because it is the mirror of the heart and indicates what it contains — Then it Focuses on the tongue, For it is the messenger and interpreter of the heart.

Intuition also draws conclusions about a person’s character From the colour of the eyes and any aberration in them.Likewise, they draw conclusions From the hair, and how curly or straight it is, about a person’s intelligence and character.

The origin of this intuition is based on the idea that a regular, balanced physical image reflects a balanced attitude and spirit, and that if a person is physically balanced, his manners, attitude and deeds will also be balanced — whereas if his physical appearance is out of the ordinary, then his attitude and deeds will not be balanced. That applies if a person is left to his own inclination and nature [without any guidance].

(Madaarik as-Saaliheen:2/487, 488).

Thus it becomes clear that Intuition may have to do with Faith or insight, which cannot be learned; rather it is a light that Allah instills in the heart of His believing slave.

As For the second type, which is general guidelines that may be learned, both Muslims and non-Muslims may learn them, and they may be right or wrong — so no definitive knowledge can be based on them; rather they are only signs and indications which may not even reach the level of probability in many cases.

So,the point is that — the person who has a strong Connection with his Creator, then his intuition also becomes strong and Allah(swt) guides him because he does his affairs according to the order of the Creator.

May Allah(swt) include us among His obedient servants.(Ameen).

JazakAllah (May Allah Reward You [with] Goodness)For Reading.


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