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Myriam Ben Salem is a multifaceted individual with a rich background as a mentor, writer, and former IT project manager, who has overcome personal challenges through a journey of transformation and self-discovery, and now focuses on empowering others, promoting self-improvement, and advocating for spiritual growth and truth-telling.


The web content introduces Myriam Ben Salem, a passionate and recovered perfectionist with a diverse set of roles including being a writer, edutainer, and former IT project manager. Born in Tunisia, Myriam's early achievements set the stage for a life marked by leadership and learning. After confronting the damaging effects of her perfectionism syndrome, which led to multiple burnouts and an existential crisis, she experienced a profound transformation triggered by an out-of-body experience. This pivotal moment shifted her perspective from a religious to a spiritual worldview, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, healing, and rewriting limiting subconscious beliefs. Myriam is dedicated to empowering others through education and example, with a focus on reconnecting with innate human potential and promoting universal correct principles. She shares her insights through writing and actively engages with her audience on social media platforms, aiming to inspire a collective shift towards a brighter, more compassionate world.


  • Myriam believes in the power of self-awareness and personal growth, advocating for the destruction of limiting beliefs and the rewiring of invasive subconscious programs.
  • She emphasizes the importance of recognizing and overcoming psychological abuse, highlighting the detrimental impact it has on one's self-worth.
  • Myriam promotes the idea of living as a principled human 'being' rather than a human 'doing', suggesting that our legacy should be defined by our contributions to uplifting the world.
  • She asserts that taking responsibility for changing one's subconscious program is a testament to strength and wisdom.
  • Myriam encourages embracing life with passion and curiosity, advocating for continuous learning and educating through various means.
  • She stresses the importance of aligning one's actions with their true self, both online and offline, and upholding integrity without compromising one's values.
  • Myriam's philosophy integrates science and spirituality, suggesting that their union gives birth to divinity and a deeper understanding of the universe.
  • She calls for an end to enabling antagonists and encourages kind-hearted individuals to become informed and active participants in creating a better world.
  • Myriam views love as a transformative force that allows individuals to grow, blossom, and shine, rather than something one simply falls into.
  • She highlights the significance of free acts of kindness and the energy of our collective actions in inspiring trust and fostering positive change for future generations.
  • Myriam's approach to life and learning is underscored by her belief in the power of energy and free will in shaping our experiences and impacting the world around us.

Introduction: Myriam Ben Salem

Recovered perfectionist. Writer. Passionate. Grown kid. Edutainer. Former IT project manager. Unapologetic truth-teller. Lifelong learner. Stoic Philosopher.

Let me start by expressing my gratitude for the opportunity of belonging to such a wonderful community of brilliant writers!

Who am I?

I was born in Tunisia, a small country in North Africa. I did pretty much everything earlier than the average: walking, talking, singing, dancing. Promoted throughout my entire education, I was also the leader of every end-of-year party.

I am a mentor with a deep passion for empowering whomever I interact with, helping others unleash the servant leader in them and find the voice they would use to leave their legacy.

The ice on the cake? This happens implicitly through simply modeling it. I spent 9 years working at a high level of consultancy and management in the Information Technology, Human Resources, and Research sectors, only to realize that my perfectionism syndrome was damaging myself and those around me.

After three burnouts, an existential crisis, and having almost committed suicide following being harshly abused by a malignant narcissist, I dramatically embarked on a painful journey to drastically transform the miserable individual I was.

I was saved at the last moment by the grace of my pure love divinity through an out-of-body experience making me see all the lies of my unhealthy ego, realize this gigantic universe was not revolving around my small self.

Most importantly, I was able to visualize I was here for a mission. That was the moment of my migration from being religious to spiritual. The butterfly took time to emerge though.

The caterpillar had to heal the very obvious scars, gain some strength to start the most rewarding investment of the whole existence: destroying my limiting beliefs both about myself and the world, and rewiring my invasive subconscious program I never wrote in the first place!

I am deeply passionate about everything life has to offer. I educate through any possible means, including writing, on the importance of reconnecting with our common birth’s gifts making all of us seeds of greatness only numbed by the lifetime of conditioning.

I am guided by the fundamental universal correct principles or what is also known as our conscience and the manifestation of our 4th and most important form of intelligence: the spiritual one!

My quotes speaking my voice

  • When you are beaten, you know the origin of your physical hurt and that you were mistreated. When you are sexually abused, you also have no doubt about what you endured. Interestingly, when you are psychologically abused especially in a subtle way, you aren’t able to tell exactly what’s happening. Result? You start questioning your own worth…Educate yourself!
  • You deserve freedom. You owe it to yourself. You are anything but selfish whenever you decide to stand up for yourself.
  • Bravery is not the absence of fear. It is the realization the fire in our hearts is worth taking the risk of being afraid from time to time.
  • We all come to this life, spend some time and go. How would you like to be remembered? As a human ‘doing’ who spent their entire life trying to prove their worth through their achievements and personal success, or as a principled human ‘being’ who never stopped doing the right thing and contributing to uplifting the world?
  • Your sanity matters. Without putting your mask of oxygen first, you won’t be able to be of any help to anyone anyway.
  • Re-writing the subconscious program is painful. This pain is the price to be paid and can reach some ‘seemingly’ unbearable levels from time to time because of our unhealthy ego resistance. What could help raise our bravery level again? Being aware we are doing that work for much bigger than our small self: for our kids, for the generations unborn, for the universe. You are more powerful than you could ever imagine.
  • We are all winners even before being born. Our power has merely been taken by the grownups conditioning making us look for some external elements to feel better about ourselves. The good news is that we can always take it back!
  • Dance even if you are ridiculed by everybody. Sing even when no one wants to listen to you. Love freely and genuinely despite your broken heart. Live in the heaven of your world to which you invite only those who deserve a ticket.
  • If we want to give ourselves a real chance to fix this superficial, selfish, and broken world we are living in, we need to stop enabling antagonists in the first place. To all the kind-hearted individuals: you are the secret weapon. Please listen to the call and educate yourself!
  • My goal? Never stop learning, educate, be a moral authority through unapologetically telling the truth, a person people can love and trust, belong to like-minded and light-hearted tribes so that we could, together, have a chance to reverse the ugly world ruled by manipulators, and prepare a brighter path for the generations unborn!
  • Don’t say anything online or offline that would not be aligned with your True Self. It doesn’t matter who would see it! If you are a person of integrity, you are the one who would not accept it.
  • When science and spirituality marry, divinity is born.
  • Your center is the foundation of your love manifestation. For instance, if your center is your children, the love that manifests from that will, mostly, benefit your children. If your center is the ‘Natural Laws’, the manifestation of your love will benefit the whole Universe.
  • Be the melody people would love to dance on, the sunshine people would love to lay under, the breeze people would love to feel on their face, the sunset in front of which people would love to stand motionless…
  • They say “We fell in love”. I like to believe I grow with love, blossom with love, shine even more with love!
  • There are so many things I ignore, so many more I will probably never know, others I will always have some doubt about. But what I know for sure is my being and the power of our energy & free acts of kindness in uplifting and inspiring people around us, and in building trust on the long run.
  • There is no suitable day to start the most rewarding investment of your whole life. Any day is a good day to commit to your self-evolution adventure.
  • Taking one’s responsibility to change what we were not responsible for creating in the first place — our subconscious program — is probably the highest level of strength and wisdom.
  • You listened to the integrity call; you honored it; you decided to pay the price. What comes out of it is none of your business.

Some of my articles

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I’m so excited about learning from all of you and about contributing with my 2% in this community! Cheers!

Servant Leadership
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