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Eleri Denham introduces herself as a multifaceted writer with a background in anthropology and film, currently residing in Oregon, and shares her favorite movies, hikes, and upcoming projects.


Eleri Denham is a writer with a diverse background, having studied anthropology and film at Arizona State University. After a brief stint in an in-house writing position, she returned to freelancing and now resides in Oregon, a state she and her family grew to love. Denham's work spans nonfiction, fiction, and screenplays, and she is actively contributing to the ILLUMINATION community on Medium. She provides a glimpse into her personal tastes by listing her top five movies, which include "Pan's Labyrinth" and "Mad Max: Fury Road," and her favorite hikes, with trails from Sedona to Oregon's coast. Additionally, Denham teases her upcoming articles, which cover a range of topics from the artistry in Jim Jarmusch's "Paterson" to the cultural significance of Brigit.


  • Denham expresses a deep appreciation for the Medium community, especially ILLUMINATION, for their welcoming nature.
  • She has a profound love for Oregon, which prompted her and her family to stay despite the end of her in-house writing job.
  • Denham finds it challenging to narrow down her favorite movies, indicating a strong passion for film.
  • The author has a sentimental attachment to Midwestern hikes, suggesting a connection to her roots.
  • She values the experience of earning a view through hiking, as mentioned in her description of the Saint Perpetua Trail.
  • Denham's upcoming articles reflect her interests in artistry, archaeology, geology, space narrative, and cross-cultural journeys, showcasing her broad range of interests and expertise.

Introduction: Eleri Denham

Traveler + historian + anthropologist + film lover = writer. Pleased to meet you.

Courtesy of Eleri Denham (Author)

I want to say a sincere thank you to everybody who’s been so welcoming here at ILLUMINATION and on Medium. For anyone I haven’t had a chance to meet, I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself.

The Basics

  • I grew up in the Chicago suburbs. At 18, I moved away to study at Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University. I earned a B.A. in Anthropology with a minor in Film and Media Production.
  • I started freelancing as a writer when I was 20, straight out of college. It was excruciatingly difficult, and I’m glad I did it.
  • In 2018, one of my freelance clients offered me an in-house position in Oregon. So, along with my partner, our dog, and our cat, that’s where I went.
  • The in-house position didn’t last very long. (That’s a story unto itself.) But all of us — even the cat — had fallen in love with Oregon, so here we’ve stayed.
  • I have returned to freelance writing and editing, which, I like to think, is where I’m meant to be.
  • In addition to the nonfiction that I publish here, I also write fiction and screenplays. You’re welcome to read more about my work on my website.

With those biographical details out of the way, here’s the really important stuff: the movies that make me cry, the places I picture when I hear the word “beautiful,” and the projects that are keeping me up at night.

Courtesy of Eleri Denham (Author)

Get to Know Me in Five

Five Favorite Movies*

*Disclaimer: I hated coming up with this list. It’s so hard. Ask me again in a few weeks and I’ll probably give you five new answers.

  • Pan’s Labyrinth. On any list of my favorite films, Guillermo del Toro will likely be represented at least once.
  • Jurassic Park. Some day, ask me why Jurassic Park is everything I love about speculative fiction. But not now. I’m trying to keep this short.
  • Sound of Music. What can I say? I’ve been watching this one since I was Gretl’s age, and I still adore it.
  • Big Fish. I’ve seen this movie probably half a dozen times and I’ve wept like a child every time.
  • Mad Max: Fury Road. Sometimes, you just need to watch Charlize Theron & co. rebel against a tyrant. Balm for the weary soul, that is.

Five Favorite Hikes

Photo by Eleri Denham
  • Red Rock Crossing at Cathedral Rock, Sedona, AZ. To be fair, you could throw a dart at a map of Sedona and find a world-class hiking trail, so this one’s sort of a gimme.
  • Trillium Falls Trail, Orick, CA. My first encounter with the redwoods. Hard to top that.
  • Tahquamenon Falls, Upper Peninsula, MI. Maybe I’m being a bit sentimental here. It’s not the redwoods. But it is a beautiful spot, and Midwestern hikes don’t get enough love.
  • Saint Perpetua Trail, Yachats, OR. You could just drive to the top of the cape. But if you can hike it, by God, you’ll feel like you’ve earned that view of the Pacific.
  • Emerald Pools, Zion National Park, UT. Hiking The Narrows in Zion is a bucket-list item for me. But until I do that, the hike to the Emerald Pools is satisfactorily gorgeous.

Five Articles I’ve Got in the Works

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect from me in the near future.

  • Artistry and Identity in Jim Jarmusch’s Paterson
  • Driving Tour Itinerary: Experience the Archaeological Heritage of Oregon’s Coast
  • Crystal Culture: At the Intersection of Geology and Metaphysics
  • The Narrative of Space at Devil’s Lake, Wisconsin
  • White Candles and Groundhog Shadows: The Cross-Cultural Journeys of Brigit

I hope this little introduction has given you a better sense of who I am and what I love.

I’m very excited about contributing to this community, and about learning from all the phenomenal writers here. Thank you for having me.


Courtesy of Eleri Denham (Author)
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