avatarDr. Jackie Greenwood


Introducing Me

I am what I am, or am I?

I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a swimmer, a gambler, a veterinarian.

photo by Joshua Coleman in unsplash

Three years ago I sold my practice- the one built over a lifetime of sweat and tears(a long story). I stayed on for a while, working for a corporate master (another long story). But then decided to retire

I feel like I’ve been in recovery for the last couple of years. Probably pay-back from my body and mind for decades of frenetic activity.

But it has given me the opportunity to put into words the thoughts that have been rattling around in my mind for too long.

Finding Medium and being welcomed into this community of thinkers and writers has felt like coming home. Not dissimilar to when I was eight years old and discovered there was something called a veterinarian.

It’s might be crazy to reinvent myself at sixty-five, but I’m going to give it a try.

Personal Story
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