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Introducing Me.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

December 2019. Cairo, Egypt.

My name is Yasmine Sadek, and I’m a 20 year old Egyptian architecture student at The University of Edinburgh.

And before we go on any further, no I don’t ride camels to move around, and no I don’t live inside the pyramids.

However, I can assure you that living in Cairo is an experience, one that you won’t get anywhere else in the world. This city, this city that watched the making of history, is a big part of who I am today. Some days it’s cruel, but most days, it’s warm and forgiving. Its fast life pace, kind people and layered and culturally rich streets are what made me want to study architecture. Like so many before me, I’m determined to leave my mark in its ever growing architectural heritage.

But enough about Cairo. What about me? Who am I?

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to tell you that yet, as I’m still figuring it out myself. Maybe in a few years?

What I can tell you though, is that I believe in the power of time. I think it’s the most precious thing in the world. But I’m also a hoarder, and I like to keep things. So how do I hoard time? How do I hoard a moment in time? Through writing, and photography. I enjoy the things that capture and engrave a moment in time and keep it forever, because as fascinating as the human brain is, your memory will inevitably fail you. I love saving moments, and I love recording experiences. Indeed, writing has always been a hobby for me, a way out. I like to share what I have to say, just as I like to hear what other people have to say. I really do think that humans are fundamentally good, and I like to believe that we can all learn from each other’s journeys and experiences through life.

Very deep stuff.

On a lighter note, I really enjoy painting, and traveling. I’m quite an adventurous person, and I looove people. I’m fascinated by how the human brain works. I love listening to people, and I love talking to people.

So expect a lot of content ;).



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