avatarJudy Musgrove ~ Blogger, Entrepreneur, Writer


Introducing Felicia, An Event Designer With An Eye For Creating …

How An Event Designer Passion Blossomed Into A Career Filled With Love, Support, And Fun!

Photo by LifeStyle Event Designs

A little thing called a brain tumor pushed me, to share my passion in event design. This is how my path into entrepreneurship came after a pivotal moment in my life — a battle with and recovery from a little thing called a brain tumor.

A brain tumor indeed changes who you are. During post-surgery, something shifted; I now looked at daily life differently. Causing me to embrace everything around me with more passion.

Let’s backtrack a bit …

I started out as a stay-at-home mom. This allowed me to find diverse decor from sterling silver plates, and Greek statues, to friezes that grace my living spaces. I have always combined florals with pieces most others never would imagine trying. I found I had a knack for growing fresh grasses and indoor plants. Finding balance and beauty in unique combinations: classic and contemporary, luxury and organic.

I have a talent for noticing minor details in everyday things, which helps me design captivating and unforgettable decor.

At 54, I transitioned into the Full-time workplace, hosting health and wellness events. In just 4 months, they asked me to take on the role of lead sales, meeting new clients, and planning events. From here, I began suggesting engaging event ideas and building relationships with brands.

In September 2019, I proposed a new division for the CEO, which he approved. Sales staff initially dismissed it, but I persevered, and then COVID-19 hit. During this time, I helped brands stay visible and thrive by organizing online events and starting a podcast. It strengthened relationships between companies and consumers through communication, trust, and determination.

Fast forward to brain tumor diagnoses …

I returned to work, thinking I was healthy enough to continue where I left off. They asked me to assist both the health fair and brand sides of the business consecutively.

It was overwhelming to process so soon, and it was no longer the place I needed to be. My family encouraged me to follow my passion for creating décor and share my work with others. Now it was time to share my designs outside my inner circle: to make people stop, ponder, smile, and spark conversations through my enchanting designs.

I began by styling pieces and writing blogs with step-by-step guides for others. This led to the creation of more designs and developed a fondness for recycling mannequin dress forms, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Insights ~ LifeStyle Event Designs

Goddess Inspired Mannequins by LifeStyle Event Designs

I want to share some insights with you about starting Lifestyle Event Designs at 60, which I never thought possible three years ago.

** Just so you know, I’ve faced health challenges throughout my life.

It all began at 12 when I experienced a mysterious illness that left me paralyzed, rendering me unable to walk for several months. I had emergency surgeries and used artificial insemination to have three children. But after my second child was born, lupus put me on life support. The doctors diagnosed me with celiac disease eight years ago, which became a part of my health journey.

Everyone should know that I love life and act a little goofier these days.

A bit of wisdom:

  1. Regardless of your age, embarking on a business venture can be quite scary and requires certain qualities.
  2. Passion. Having a deep and genuine passion for this new chapter is most important. It fuels your drive and helps you through the hurdles.
  3. Vision. To succeed in business, a clear vision and plan are necessary because of the twists and turns of entrepreneurship. Create a well-defined path.
  4. Overcoming Obstacles. Age may bring a reluctance to leap over high hurdles or hold steady through bumpy roads, but it also brings wisdom and experience.
  5. Embrace challenges you meet as opportunities to grow and learn.

A New Chapter …

  • Approach entrepreneurship like riding the train of life. Embrace the people who come aboard and stay. Welcome and appreciate people passing through your train car, as they can offer valuable insights and encouragement.
  • Many entrepreneurs share a deep understanding because of their unique stories. It’s a journey that can uncover one’s true purpose, even if only for a short time.
  • Smile A Few Times A Day — Entrepreneurship is a unique chapter chosen for you to take. No matter the type of success it presents, approaching it with a few smiles per day will help you disconnect and refocus, leading toward true fulfillment.

Here at Lifestyle Event Designs, we produce a “One-Of-A-Kind” Event Rental Decor To Elevate Your Special Occasion to New Heights. Our unique floral mannequin collection and non-edible cakes create an unmatched atmosphere. No other decor can achieve.

“Observe Your Guests pause, Put On Smiles, and Reflect On Life Through My Captivating Designs.”

Notes from Judy …

Entrepreneurs are a great group of women who don’t let issues stop them from moving forward. Sharing our stories is the catalyst that helps others take their passion to a higher level. Thank you Felicia for sharing your story with me, and encouraging us to never give up hope.

Brain Tumor
Overcoming Obstacles
Words Of Wisdom
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