avatarGrace Mary Power


Grace Mary Power is an experienced writer and educator with a background in biology and social research, who is passionate about sharing her extensive life experiences and spiritual journey through her work on Medium.


Grace Mary Power, a notable contributor to the "Illumination" platform, has a rich personal history as one of the oldest inter-country adopted persons in Australia. Born in Malaya before it became Malaysia, she has a deep interest in history and has overcome significant challenges throughout her life. Currently based in Western Australia, Grace works part-time and is keen to leverage her skills in reading, writing, proof-reading, and researching. She has a positive and happy disposition, values connection, appreciation, tolerance, patience, and spiritual growth. Grace has a strong academic background, including a Bachelor of Applied Science in Biology, a Post-graduate Diploma in Social Research and Evaluation, and a Certificate 4 in Business. Her professional experience spans 30 years in the public sector, complemented by voluntary work for various organizations. As a writer, she reviews non-fiction works, offers technical guides on platforms like WordPress, and provides assistance to others through her writings on Medium, including a series on creating Medium Publications. Her spiritual beliefs are centered around the idea of animals as spiritual allies and the presence of guardian angels and spirit guides.


  • Grace Mary Power views herself as a light-worker and is thrilled to connect with like-minded individuals on Illumination.
  • She believes in the importance of self-love and self-confidence, which she has developed over the years, particularly through her writing on Medium.
  • Grace values the act of giving back to the community, as evidenced by her extensive voluntary work.
  • She is an advocate for self-care, having received a personal wake-up call to prioritize her health in order to better assist others.
  • Grace is ready to transition from mainstream work to focus on managing her own energy in service to humanity and hopes to find support for her essential material needs through her writing services.

Introducing: Grace Mary Power

Hello and thank you to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for adding me as a writer to “Illumination”.

I was born in Malaya, before it became the Federated States of Malaysia, which places my year of birth as 1963 or earlier, if you know Malaysian history!

I have always had a strong interest in history and my own personal history as one of the oldest inter-country adopted persons in Australia has been fraught with many challenges, which have contributed to where I am now in more ways than one.

Based in Western Australia, I am currently working part-time. I would be over the moon if my reading, writing, proof-reading, and researching skills and my unique life experiences, and my desires to help and teach others and support people and life on Earth, were able to provide the resources for my essential material needs.

I am a teacher and blogger at heart and believe that my natural positive and happy disposition and my awareness and willingness to connect with all, my appreciation of things, and my tolerance and patience, and willingness to put in the work to grow spiritually, have kept me going.

I review non-fiction works and am looking for paid work as a writer, technical writer, teacher, or as a proof-reader or editor.

My journey on Medium began in November 2018 with my tales of being a survivor of stressful childhood conditions and morphed as I began to grow in self-confidence and especially in self-love.

My readers bring to me a realisation that I have a lot to offer and it has taken me most of 56 years to accept for myself that I a great person, not compared to anyone else, but in my own right.

I think of myself as a Light-worker and am thrilled to have connected to so many like-minded others on Illumination.

My “human” background is:

😺 Completed a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Biology

📗 Completed a Post-graduate Diploma in Social Research and Evaluation

📓 Completed a Certificate 4 in Business — Record keeping

👧 Worked in the public sector for 30 years and currently.

😄 Won a prize in the Young Writer’s Contest of Western Australia at 15 years of age, for a poem about a rock singer.

👉 📚 Love reading and writing immensely.

My favourite authors and books when I was a teenager were James Mitchener, Shakespeare, and Arthur Hailey’s “Roots”, followed by George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, and a lesser known author Zevgeny Zamyatin (whose novel “We” is said to be the model for Huxley’s “Brave New World”).

🍏 Have done a huge lot of voluntary work, for Community Aid Abroad, the Conservation Council, Activ Foundation, the Red Cross and others, because I love to give for what I receive.

✏️ I made all of my written works, apart from Medium, completely free to use, which have included technical guides on using WordPress, a blogging platform that I use in addition to Medium.

⭐️ 🌟 I have written many guidelines on working with Medium, wholly in order to help others. My latest are a series on how to create your own Medium Publication for the novice (with screenshots and detailed steps). Link below.

💰 I am paying off a mortgage and sharing a house with my long-term partner and a dog that we are dog-sitting.

I believe in animals as spiritual allies and believe that we all have a guardian angel and animal and human Spirit Guides that we can call upon for help.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

My spiritual background is:

  • Survived inter-country adoption including an unnurturing childhood.
  • Overcame the dense and debilitating emotions of fear, anger, shame, guilt and resentment through always knowing there was a tiny flame at my centre that could keep me going.
  • Have always striven to understand what’s happening in 3-D, and to be patient, tolerant, deeply accepting and forgiving while at the same time being practical, realistic and logical.
  • My tendencies to put others first resulted in health problems for myself, and in December 2019 I was given a personal wake-up call to start looking after myself properly. Then I realised that I can only best help others only if I myself am healthy and strong.
  • I believe that for all of our human journey, we learn or evolve or emerge from our “past” and that we are called to self-actualise.
  • I have been a human transformer of unhelpful emotions to those of peace and happiness; and would love to help others move from these stressors to feeling loved and worthy and content.
  • I am ready now to retire from mainstream work and focus on wholly managing my own energy, in service to humanity. I pray that this happens soon. Please feel free to share my writing services with interested others.

Thanks for reading my bio, and:

“May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His/Her hand.”

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