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Introducing a Survivor — Just call me Bill

A new writer on Illumination and the Author of Uncommon Sense.

L.A. Times 1961

Think about this — since your first decade is from birth to nine years old, if you’re 40 years old, you’re already in your fifth decade! Ouch! When I say this to someone, most hesitate and ask, “why did you have to point that out?” then burst out laughing at the realization it’s true. As a favorite author and mentor, Robert Fritz, says, “reality is an acquired taste.” I love to help people see things they don’t normally notice because gaining different perspectives has been a common theme throughout my life.

A little about my past. As you can see in the above picture, I was at a Scout Jamboree in 1961. That picture appeared in the LA Times, back when we were lucky to have three television channels. Many will recognize the two young men in the middle. Yes, that’s Wally and the Beav! The eight-year-old on the right, peeking around the flag, is me! As usual, my last name was misspelled, a problem that has plagued me for much of my life.

I have lived a very different life compared to most Americans. I grew up all over the USA and the world. As a navy brat, we moved from Virginia to California when I was six years old, then to Japan, Hawaii, and Europe (primarily Malta.) We finally returned to Virginia in my late teens! I had the honor of going to 12 schools from 1st through 12th grade. To say we moved a lot is an understatement! I loved learning Japanese as a kid, and to this day have fond memories of Japan and its wonderful culture and people. I also loved learning some Italian and Maltese when we were in Europe.

As an adult, I continued moving a good bit, from Virginia to Chicago to Florida to Atlanta to Pittsburgh and finally back to Virginia, the place I always considered home. My wife and I found a beautiful house on a lovely lake in Richmond and have since mostly retired. I say mostly because we still have some clients as we slowly close our business. However, we continue to coach, consult, and facilitate in the church world, an important part of our lives. We love to give back as we are so thankful for the many, many blessings we’ve received.

Career-wise, after serving in the US Navy, I went on to work for (surprise) mostly foreign-owned U.S.-based companies. During my 45-year career, I worked for two British, three German, one Scandinavian, and two American companies. I had the opportunity to serve as the lead executive (President/CEO or Managing Director positions) in one British, two German, and one American company. I spent considerable time traveling between Europe, Asia (primarily China), and the Middle East for many years. I must say, I don’t miss the travel and pressure. I now enjoy travel for leisure with my wife without the pressures of business!

In my life, a more recent event was having four consecutive widow-maker heart attacks and winding up in intensive care for 55 days. Then, on top of it, I almost died from ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). I am very blessed to have survived the massive heart attacks and ARDS since the survival rate for either is very low. I had always been fit, running, doing many races, and sprint triathlons until that day. In fact, I had returned from a short 12+ mile bike ride that same afternoon! I have no memory of the following two weeks and very little for several weeks after that. Having lost 50 pounds, I was so weak I literally could not walk (the weight loss was mainly muscle as I only lost an inch on my waist). It took some time, but I have recovered nicely. Unfortunately, the damage to my heart means serious sports are over for me. While I miss running, I am extremely happy to be alive!

After the medical event, I published my first book, “Uncommon Sense,” at the end of 2019. It has enjoyed great acceptance and sales, which I hope will continue for some time. I have been active on LinkedIn and Facebook for years and recently set up my website billabbate.com (a work in progress) for blogging. Since my business days, I have been mentoring people in their lives and careers. Additionally, I often coach them on adjusting the trajectory they’re on, that they may create a more fulfilling life. That passion drives me today as strongly as ever and is one reason I enjoy writing.

I am most grateful to have found Medium in February on which I can write and read so many talented authors. My timing was perfect, as Dr. Mehmet Yildiz recently started the Illumination Publication and provided the opportunity for me to join as a writer.

I’ve always loved learning, and there’s undoubtedly much available to whet my appetite on Medium in general and the Illumination Publication in particular! I wish everyone here tremendous success and look forward to getting to know many of you through your writing!

Bill Abbate
Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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