avatarAlma Thurber


Intermittent Fasting Unexpectedly Changed My Life Almost Overnight

Photo by Hao Feng on Unsplash

Intermittent fasting became part of my life almost overnight. The life change came as a result of a casual conversation.

My friend was telling me about their experience with a health coach they were meeting with regularly. I asked them what they thought the best diet plan for their health would be. I jokingly said, “Just don’t tell me to start intermittent fasting because I could never do that.” My friend looked at me seriously and said intermittent fasting is, by far, the best way.

I left that day believing I would never try it. After all, I subscribed to the Hobbit mentality of capitalizing on second breakfast opportunities whenever possible. However, sometime later, I decided to give it a try.

I stopped eating at 7 p.m. each night and gradually worked up to not eating until 11 a.m. the next day. The benefits have been beyond anything I would have expected.

No Longer Hangry

Photo by Safoora Taimoor on Unsplash

My wife can attest to the fact that if I was ever an hour or two late in getting any of my meals (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) I would become extremely grumpy. Intermittent fasting completely changed my relationship with food. I now don’t feel moody while waiting for my next meal. My body knows how to draw on my stores of fat for energy rather than beg for more carbs.

Improved Physique

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

My exercise routine is simple and hasn’t changed since I began intermittent fasting, yet I am seeing visible results. While I certainly don’t look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I can see the definition in my core for the first time. While my body weight has only dropped slightly, my body fat percentage has dropped drastically. I can feel my body fat gradually replacing itself with muscle.

Losing My Sweet Tooth

Photo by Diego Lavín on Unsplash

Do I still eat sweets? Sure, but resisting has never been easier.

I used to pound down candy, brownies, or any other sweet within reach. And while I still snack throughout the day (when I am in my eating window), I find eating empty calories isn’t appealing like it used to be. Instead, I eat almonds or beef jerky, which fill my body with protein that will give me energy throughout the next 24 hours to get me through my fasting period.

Saving Money On Groceries

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

I am a very frugal husband and father, so this unexpected perk is one of my favorites! Not eating late-night bowls of cereal and skipping breakfast in the morning saves my family a lot of money. Additionally, because I no longer crave junk food, we don’t buy it. My budget is so happy. I now use those savings to buy cleaner and higher-quality food. This has been a big win for my overall health.

Increased Mental Clarity

Photo by Katerina May on Unsplash

Our brains think better on an empty stomach. I was not aware of this until after I started intermittent fasting. I now try to carve out my creative work before lunchtime. I have seen significant improvements in my writing and work projects because of this.


I never expected intermittent fasting to become part of my life, but it is easy and it works. The daily benefits are unparalleled. If any of the benefits above appeal to you, and you are looking for something easy to start doing, give this a shot. You won’t regret it!

Intermittent Fasting
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