avatarCedric Johnson, PhD


The website content discusses the importance of setting soul-driven intentions and acting upon them, despite obstacles and doubts.


The article "Intention Matters" emphasizes the significance of deep, personal intentions and the profound impact they can have on one's life. It suggests that when intentions align with the true self or soul, they can lead to unexpected paths and fulfillment. The author illustrates this through a personal story of relocating to Northern New Mexico, a decision that was not entirely rational but was driven by a persistent inner calling. The process involved introspection, reality-checking, risk-taking, and action, despite naysayers. The article encourages readers to listen to their inner promptings, consider the cost of inaction, and take the necessary steps toward realizing their dreams, much like ancient mariners who sailed into the unknown.


  • Intentions formed at the core of the true self can lead to surprising and transformative outcomes.
  • The universe may conspire to help manifest intentions that are aligned with one's spiritual fulfillment.
  • It's important to differentiate between dreams and delusions when setting intentions, using reality-testing and self-awareness.
  • Taking risks and acting on intentions is crucial, even in the face of uncertainty and external skepticism.
  • The author believes that the cost of not acting on one's soul-driven intentions can be significant, potentially leading to regret or unfulfilled potential.
  • The article suggests that inspiration can come from within and from observing others who have pursued similar paths.
  • The author advocates for teaching others to yearn for their own vast and endless seas, implying that fostering a deep desire is more effective than merely instructing or managing.

Intention Matters

Photo by Kathleen MacGregor on Unsplash

What do you intend more than anything else in your life right now?

And what is the driving force behind that intention? Perhaps you have a difficult time articulating your choice; however, you find that you:

o Cannot stop thinking about a particular idea

o Have had an “aha” moment that keeps haunting you

o Feel inspired by others who have traveled a similar path

o Want something so much that you can almost taste it

o Have reached a tipping point where you are driven to act now

Whatever your intention, the driving force behind it may be vital, even life-transforming. According to Deepak Chopra, the goal of all goals with purpose is “fulfillment at the spiritual level that we call happiness or joy or love.”

When our intentions are conceived at the core of the true self or soul, a path reveals itself in ways that surprise everyone, including us. The universe also conspires with us to make that intention a reality.

Let me use a personal story.

Most of you know by now that we have moved to Northern New Mexico. What drove such a move? Quite honestly, we really cannot say for sure.

Though the explanations for significant life changes typically go far more profound than surface explanations (such as seeking a lower cost of living or enjoying an excellent climate), they may take time to appear.

The gestation period for our move took four years of vacationing in New Mexico and slowly falling in love with the stunning landscape. Having lived here for eight years, we are still continuing to uncover how the move has deepened our experience of this period.

For each step in our process, we had to ask ourselves tough questions:

Intend — The persistent idea of moving to NM came as a nagging question: “Why, as we end each vacation in New Mexico, do we drag our feet when it comes time to go home?”

Check — Keep a devil’s advocate at your side to constantly confront you with any grandiosity you may harbor. Sometimes there is a fine line between dreams and delusions. Learn to distinguish between a naysayer and a reality-testing coach.

Risk — Although we had been living part-time in Mexico, we eventually moved the remainder of our belongings from CA to Mexico to live there full-time. Consequently, we asked ourselves: “Is it wise to disrupt our lives and move again so quickly?

Act — Putting together a plan to return to the States was straightforward because we had made international moves before. And we found an ideal property for sale in New Mexico.

But what about acting on that plan? We were stalled initially by questioning naysayers: “Houses here in Mexico take 2–4 years to sell. How can you expect to sell your house here before you move back there?”

In our case, we moved forward on our expectations while ignoring the statistics. And we did sell the Mexican house before the one in New Mexico closed.

Remember the ancient mariners who felt compelled to sail into the unknown out of curiosity and a sense of adventure (Intend)?

They launched on the journey despite the naysayers and their fears that the world was flat and they could fall off its edge! (Risk).

Their dreams and intentions were so intense that they overcame their fears and moved forward with their vision. As they unfurled their sails (Act) and started the hard work of crossing the oceans, they were eventually rewarded with discovering new continents.

What is your soul-driven intention right now?

What would be the cost of not acting on this prompting?

What are your first action steps?

I will leave you with the words of the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint- Exupery:

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.”

Start with your inchoate and powerful yearning. Honor your inner prompting.

Be courageous. Find a way to make it happen.

Dreams Come True
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