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Little Feather’s Poetry Collection

Inkling Whispers: eNd Me I— Shooting Stars Swaying Darkness

Escaping the North Pole of Our Lives: Instinctive Trekking Poles

Francine Fallara, Inkling Whispers

Today life brewed me I wished to rise over all Expanding all hope

Tonight silence is All you can hear about me As my aura chills

Rising above bumpy terrains Everything possible Four poles trailing my journey

True North your cold side No more fears True South unspeakable dreams

Walk me through East Feeling your warm rays Rely on intuitions

Follow me through West Push away hesitations Aspiration appears

Instinctive trekking poles Follow shooting stars Swaying darkness

Sky separation Golden rays forcing the light Infinite love waves

Francine Fallara, 2021

Author of “Inkling Whispers” eBook edition and Paperback available on Amazon and Kindle.

Fellow authors and friends, I am very grateful for your amazing support. You can follow my Little Feather’s Instagram writer profile.

Inkling Whispers

Sneak Peek

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Self Improvement
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