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The provided content outlines a step-by-step guide on setting up Infisical, an open-source secret management tool, within an AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) environment using ArgoCD and Helm, and integrating it with applications via kustomize.


The article details the process of implementing Infisical in a Kubernetes cluster managed by ArgoCD, utilizing Helm charts for deployment and kustomize for application integration. It covers prerequisites such as Git, GitHub repository, and Kubernetes cluster with ArgoCD installed. The guide includes forking the Infisical Helm chart repository, configuring Ingress for frontend access, setting up SMTP for email authentication, and managing secrets using the Infisical dashboard. It also describes the creation of a "tooling" folder in the repository for deploying Infisical and its secret operator, configuring ArgoCD applications, and verifying the deployment through Kubernetes objects. The article concludes with instructions on creating an admin account, configuring the secrets operator, and deploying a sample Nginx application using Kustomize, with a focus on the Infisical CRD for secret management and automatic redeployment upon secret changes.


  • The author suggests that Infisical's CRD feature is a significant advancement in GitOps practices, facilitating smooth secret rotation and secure usage in kustomize/helm templates.
  • The use of ArgoCD for continuous deployment and Infisical for secret management is presented as a robust approach to maintaining a secure and up-to-date Kubernetes environment.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of configuring email authentication via SMTP to ensure secure access to Infisical's frontend.
  • The creation of a "tooling" folder within the repository is recommended for organizing deployment configurations and maintaining a clean project structure.
  • The author provides a positive outlook on the ease of use of Infisical's dashboard for managing secrets and the convenience of the emergency kit for account recovery.
  • The guide advocates for the use of kustomize in conjunction with Infisical to streamline the deployment process and ensure that applications have access to the latest secrets.

Infisical Open Source SecretOps: Apply it using GitOps approach.

In this article we will describe how to set up Infisical in AKS using ArgoCD and Helm and how to integrate with an application using kustomize.

Infisical just unlocked a big challenge in GitOps by providing a CRD ( Custom Resource Definition ) that pulls secrets stored and centralized and managed within one easy and clear dashboard , and make it easy to use in kustomize/helm templates in order to keep secret rotation smooth , simple and secure.


  • Git
  • GitHub repository
  • Kubernetes cluster with ArgoCD installed
  • Infisical Helm chart
  • Your own repository
  • kustomize

First we need to fork the repository in order to easily update helm chart values.

Then once we forked the repository we can go to helm chart and update values.yaml with our own parameters .

To be able to access the frontend of Infisical , Ingress should be activated.

##Update the ingress parameters inside infisical/helm-charts/infisical/values.yaml

  ## @param ingress.enabled Enable ingress
  enabled: true
  ## @param ingress.ingressClassName Ingress class name
  ingressClassName: nginx
  ## @param ingress.nginx.enabled Ingress controller
    enabled: false
  ## @param ingress.annotations Ingress annotations
    # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
    # cert-manager.io/issuer: letsencrypt-nginx
  ## @param ingress.hostName Ingress hostname (your custom domain name, e.g. `infisical.example.org`)
  ## Replace with your own domain
  hostName: "infisical.yourdomain.com"

In order to use email authentication service we need to configure the SMTP from values.yaml file.

You can find here the different email providers and how to configure https://infisical.com/docs/self-hosting/configuration/email

## Update the ingress parameters inside infisical/helm-charts/infisical/values.yaml

  SMTP_HOST: smtp.office365.com
  SMTP_USERNAME: [email protected] # your username
  SMTP_PASSWORD: password # your password
  SMTP_PORT: 587
  SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS: [email protected]
  SMTP_FROM_NAME: Infisical
  ## @param backendEnvironmentVariables.SITE_URL Absolute URL including the protocol (e.g. https://app.infisical.com)
  SITE_URL: infisical.local
  ## @param backendEnvironmentVariables.INVITE_ONLY_SIGNUP To disable account creation from the login page (invites only)

Now , create a “tooling” folder in your repository where you can install all your tools.

Make sure your tooling folder respects the helm chart standards.

└── automatic
    ├── Chart.yaml
    ├── templates
    │   └── Infisical
    │       ├── infisical.yaml   #argocd application manifest
    │       └── secrets-operator.yaml  #argocd application manifest
    └── values.yaml

We have to add 2 manifests here “infisical.yaml” and “secrets-operator.yaml” and then update values.yaml.


apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: infisical
  namespace: argocd
    namespace: infisical
    server:  {{ .Values.spec.destination.server }}
  project: default
    path: helm-charts/infisical   #infisical deployment 
    repoURL: https://github.com/HasseneFliss/infisical.git   #add your infisical repository url
    targetRevision: HEAD

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: infisical-secret-operator
  namespace: argocd
    namespace: infisical
    server:  {{ .Values.spec.destination.server }}
  project: default
    path: helm-charts/secrets-operator #secret operator deployment
    repoURL: https://github.com/HasseneFliss/infisical.git  #add your infisical repository url
    targetRevision: HEAD

    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc  #add your targeted cluster (here is local cluster)

Now Let’s go to ArgoCD and create a central tooling deployment project ( Don’t forget to add your repository in ArgoCD, You can refer to this link for that https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/private-repositories/).

Once set up , you will see that infiscal and its secret operator have been added.

Now if we check both of them we should get the below kubernetes objects created.

To make sure that your pod is running perfectly and SMTP is perfectly configured , in infisical ArgoCD project , your backend pod log suppose to have logs like shown below.

Now that we have everything working perfectly , let’s login.

Hit your ingress url and create an adminstrator account for theby clicking the “Continue with Email” .

If you don’t have an account , click on “create an account”.

  • Enter your email id and click the “Get Started” option and email with security code will be send to you.
  • Fill the security code and click on “Verify”.
  • Enter the details accordingly and click “Sign Up” option
  • Once you sign up, you will need to download “Emergency Kit” and save it somewhere safe. If you get locked out of your account, we can use this emergency kit to unlock it
  • Now we are redirected to the homepage of Infisical


  • Create a new project by clicking the “Add New Project” and name your project “MyApp”.
  • Once you created the project , you will get an interface like below. We can see different environments like Development, Staging and Production.
  • We are going to add the secrets in the Development environment by clicking the “Go to Development” option.
  • Infisical offers the possibility of copying secrets from other environments and upload env files .
  • We can also create a secret by clicking the “Add a new secret” option.
  • Add the required secrets and save the changes

Secrets Operator Setup

  • First, we need to generate a Service Token from our project settings
  • Select the “Create token” option and enter a name for the service token. Select the environment, secrets path, expiration and permissions according to your use case and click on “Create” option
  • Once the service token is created, copy and save it somewhere safe. We need this token to configure the secrets operator
  • We need to create now a Kubernetes secret containing the Service Token.
  $ kubectl -n infisical-demo create secret generic infisical-secret --from-literal=infisicalToken=ADD YOUR TOKEN HERE 
  secret/infisical-secret created

Application template using Kustomize

  • We need to deploy a sample Nginx application using the below manifest file in order to use the created secret. The annotation secrets.infisical.com/auto-reload: "true" ensures that it automatically redeploys when managed secrets are changed.
  • For this we will use the GitOps approach using Kustomize.
  • First we need to create a Kustomize repository where we will have our manifests ( We don’t need to create the svc.yaml and ingress.yaml and other objects as our goal is to use Infisical only here ).

Let’s start with the Base

# crd-infisical.yaml

  apiVersion: secrets.infisical.com/v1alpha1
  kind: InfisicalSecret
    name: infisical-demo
    namespace: infisical-demo
    hostAPI: http://infisical-backend.infisical.svc.cluster.local:4000/api
    resyncInterval: 10
          secretName: infisical-secret         #Secret that has our token
          secretNamespace: infisical-demo
          envSlug: dev
          secretsPath: "/"
      secretName: infisical-ui-managed-secret   #Secret that will be generated 
      secretNamespace: infisical-demo

# deployment.yaml

  apiVersion: apps/v1
  kind: Deployment
    name: myapp
    namespace: infisical-demo
      app: myapp
      secrets.infisical.com/auto-reload: "true"
    replicas: 1
        app: maypp
          app: myapp
        - name: myapp
          image:  < ADD YOUR IMAGE HERE >
          - secretRef:
              name: infisical-ui-managed-secret   ##Secret that will be generated
          - containerPort: 80

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    name: infisical-demo
      argocd.argoproj.io/sync-wave: "-1"
  name: infisical-demo

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
    - deployment.yaml
    - namespace.yaml
    - crd-infisical.yaml

 disableNameSuffixHash: true

Let’s move to overlay/dev folder now.


- op: replace
  path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image
  value: nginx

- op: add 
  path: /spec/revisionHistoryLimit
  value: 2  

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- ../../base


- path: ./patches/deployment-patch.yaml
    kind: Deployment
    version: v1

- name: nginx
  newTag: 1.25.2

Application deployment using ArgoCD

  • We can see that “infisical-demo” CRD has been created.
  • To make sure if the secret pulling is done successfully , we can check the live manifest of “infisical-demo”.
  • The final step is now to check if the secrets are injected inside the pod so we exec inside the pod.

Thank you for reading.

Argo Cd
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