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Resilience © Vytas Stoskus, 2023

Imprisonment, Torture, Escape

The Meaning of Dialogue

I just learned that another old friend from my days in the U$ died a year ago. Dudley Weeks was an amazing individual who worked in over 100 countries trying to bring peace & restore justice through dialogue & conflict mediation as well as teaching others how to do likewise. A brief life story is contained in his obituary:


An account he once shared with me of an amazing incident in his life is truly eye-opening to the value of dialogue.

As he was escaping from a prison in which he’d faced daily torture, he stopped to ask the jailer how he was to ever thank him for letting him escape. The jailer replied, “You already have” referring to all the time Dudley had spent listening to & talking with the man. Just listening & talking.

© Vytas Stoskus, 2023 www.stoskus.net/en/

For guilt-alleviating addendum, please read on.

This will ease the mountains of GUILT which I’m sure are accumulating in your soul for not pitching in & helping. It will also reduce the amassing guilt around issues of greed, injustice, or whatever sins you may not care to even think about let alone discuss. Fear not, all will be forgiven.

If you like my slicing, dicing, & blending of humor with insights, which I think you might considering you’ve read this far, & do not fear my outspoken radical thinking, writing, & heresies opposed to the stupidities which are taking down humanity & civil society, please kick in a one-time or monthly support of $3, $6, $9, or whatever sum you can in multiples of $3 at Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/vytasjstoskus?ref=onboarding_email_share2

Comments are most welcome. I’d like to hear your views about what I write. Even the not so positive or gentle. & please, clap to your heart’s content, well . . . almost. There is a limit of 50 claps.

Sharing this article with others will also help significantly as I am a computer idiot & have not mastered social media for its effectiveness. I prefer living life, interacting with diverse peoples, & sharing my life’s experiences, lessons, & insights for everyone’s benefit rather than wasting my time figuring out the endlessly changing technology.

Signing up to receive notices at www.medium.com whenever I publish an article would be most appreciated & helpful in keeping my scathing devilish humor & commentary piercing & relevant to whatever the universe spits up that morning.

Thank you so much. Have a joyful day.

Conflict Mediation
Prisoner Of Conscience
South Africa
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