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This article explains how to implement a Circuit Breaker pattern in a Rails application to improve system stability and resilience.


The Circuit Breaker pattern is a design pattern used to improve the stability and resilience of a system. In a Rails application, it can prevent unnecessary requests to external services when they are known to be failing. The article explains the basics of the Circuit Breaker pattern and its three primary states: Closed, Open, and Half-Open. It then provides a simple implementation of a Circuit Breaker in Rails without relying on any gems or plugins. The implementation includes modeling the Circuit Breaker, using the Circuit Breaker, and suggestions for enhancements in real-world scenarios.


  • The Circuit Breaker pattern is a useful design pattern for improving system stability and resilience in a Rails application.
  • The article recommends using a Circuit Breaker when a Rails application interacts with external APIs, databases, or other microservices.
  • The author suggests storing the state of the Circuit Breaker in a distributed cache like Redis if you have multiple instances of your application.
  • The author recommends adding logging to monitor and alert when the circuit is open.
  • The author suggests making the thresholds and timings configurable in real-world scenarios.
  • The author concludes that the Circuit Breaker pattern provides an elegant solution to handle failures and improve the resilience of your Rails application.
Chugging along the Rails: Where the magic of toy trains meets the power of Ruby.

Implementing a Circuit Breaker in Rails

The Circuit Breaker pattern is a design pattern used in software development to improve the stability and resilience of a system. In a Rails application, using a circuit breaker can prevent your system from making unnecessary requests to external services when they are known to be failing. This pattern can be particularly useful when your Rails application interacts with external APIs, databases, or other microservices.

The Basics of the Circuit Breaker Pattern

Think of a circuit breaker in electrical systems. It trips or “breaks” the circuit when there’s too much current, preventing potential damage. Similarly, in software, a circuit breaker “trips” when certain conditions are met, usually after detecting that a particular service is unavailable or failing.

Here are the three primary states of a circuit breaker:

  1. Closed: Everything is functioning as expected. Requests are made to the external service.
  2. Open: The external service is down or unresponsive. Requests are not made; instead, failures are returned immediately.
  3. Half-Open: After a predetermined amount of time, the circuit breaker allows some requests to check if the service has recovered. If it’s stable, the state returns to Closed; otherwise, it remains Open.

Implementing a Simple Circuit Breaker in Rails

Let’s design a simple circuit breaker without relying on any gems or plugins.

Model the Circuit Breaker

class CircuitBreaker
  attr_accessor :failure_count, :state, :last_failed_time

  HALF_OPEN_TIME = 60 # seconds

  def initialize
    @failure_count = 0
    @state = :closed
    @last_failed_time = nil

  def request
    case state
    when :closed
    when :open
      raise "Service Unavailable"
    when :half_open
      make_request if Time.now - last_failed_time >= HALF_OPEN_TIME


  def make_request
    # Replace with your actual request to an external service
    response = ExternalService.call

    if response.success?
    raise "Service Error"

  def register_failure
    @failure_count += 1
    @last_failed_time = Time.now

    if failure_count >= FAILURE_THRESHOLD
      @state = :open

  def reset
    @state = :closed
    @failure_count = 0

Using the Circuit Breaker

Whenever you want to make a request to the external service, you would call the request method on an instance of CircuitBreaker.

cb = CircuitBreaker.new


While this is a basic implementation, in real-world scenarios, you may want to:

  • Store the state of the circuit breaker in a distributed cache like Redis if you have multiple instances of your application.
  • Add logging to monitor and alert when the circuit is open.
  • Make the thresholds and timings configurable.


The Circuit Breaker pattern provides an elegant solution to handle failures and improve the resilience of your Rails application. With this simple implementation, you can begin to protect your application from cascading failures and ensure a better experience for your users.

Rails Api
Circuit Breaker
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