

The provided content outlines an approach to automatically refresh expired HTTP tokens using a TokenRefreshHandler in C#, which incorporates retry logic to handle token expiration and renewal without manual intervention.


The article discusses the implementation of a TokenRefreshHandler class in C# that leverages a DelegatingHandler to manage the expiration and renewal of HTTP tokens. This handler is designed to automatically retry failed API requests due to expired tokens by renewing the token and updating the request header with the new token. The implementation includes a configurable number of retry attempts, a specified interval between retries, and conditions for executing a retry. The retry logic is integrated into an HTTP request pipeline, allowing for seamless token renewal and maintaining the security and reliability of the authentication system. The article also provides an example of how to use the TokenRefreshHandler with an HttpClient and discusses considerations for token renewal frequency, error handling, concurrent requests, security of the token renewal endpoint, and data consistency.


  • The author advocates for the use of retry logic over manual token refresh methods, emphasizing the benefits of automation and reliability.
  • Customization of the retry logic, such as specifying retry attempts and intervals, is highlighted as a key feature for optimizing the token refresh process.
  • The article suggests that implementing a TokenRefreshHandler can enhance the overall reliability of an authentication system by reducing the potential for human error and ensuring continuous access to server resources.
  • Security is a priority, with the article stressing the importance of secure transmission of tokens and the need for a secure token renewal endpoint.
  • The author acknowledges the complexity introduced by concurrent API requests and suggests that synchronization techniques may be necessary to prevent issues.
  • Data consistency, particularly for write operations, is identified as a concern when retrying API requests, with versioning or transactions recommended as potential solutions.

Implement TokenRefreshHandler to Refresh Expired Http Token with Retry Logic in C#

Effortlessly Revive Expired Http Tokens

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Why TokenRefreshHandler

Most authentication systems implement a token-based approach where the client requests a token from the server, and the token is used to authenticate subsequent API requests. Tokens usually have a limited lifespan and expire after a certain period of time. When an API request with an expired token is made, the server will return a 401 Unauthorized response, indicating that the token is invalid and needs to be refreshed. Refreshing the token ensures that the client continues to have access to the server’s resources without having to re-authenticate. By renewing the token, the client can make seamless API requests without interruption, maintaining the security of the authentication system.

A retry logic is a better approach for refreshing tokens than handling it manually because it provides a more automated and reliable solution. With a retry logic in place, the client can automatically handle token expiration and renewal without the need for manual intervention. This eliminates the potential for human error and reduces the likelihood of issues such as failed API requests due to an expired token.

Additionally, implementing a retry logic for token refresh allows for more control and customization. For example, you can specify the number of retry attempts, the interval between retries, and the conditions under which a retry should be executed. This level of control and customization can help optimize the token refresh process and improve the overall reliability of the authentication system.

An example

Here’s an example implementation of an TokenRefreshHandler class that implements a retry logic using a DelegatingHandler in C#:

namespace HttpRetryHandlerExample
    public class TokenRefreshHandler : DelegatingHandler
        private int _retryCount = 0;
        private int _maxRetryCount = 3;
        private TimeSpan _retryInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);

        public TokenRefreshHandler(HttpMessageHandler innerHandler)
            : base(innerHandler)

        protected async override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            HttpResponseMessage response = null;

            for (_retryCount = 0; _retryCount < _maxRetryCount; _retryCount++)
                response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                else if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                    // Renew the token and update the request header
                    string newToken = await RenewTokenAsync();
                    request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + newToken);

                await Task.Delay(_retryInterval, cancellationToken);

            return response;

        private async Task<string> RenewTokenAsync()
            // Renew the token here
            // ...

            return "newToken";

This implementation uses a for loop to retry the API request up to a maximum of _maxRetryCount times. The if statement checks the response status code and if it is Unauthorized, the code calls the RenewTokenAsync method to renew the token and update the request header with the new token. If the response is not Success and not Unauthorized, the code will break the loop and return the response. The retry logic also implements a delay between retries using the Task.Delay method, with the delay interval specified by _retryInterval.

Here’s an example code that demonstrates how to use the TokenRefreshHandler implemented above:

namespace HttpRetryHandlerExample
    internal class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
            TokenRefreshHandler tokenRefreshHandler = new TokenRefreshHandler(httpClientHandler);

            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(tokenRefreshHandler))
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://api.example.com/");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer initialToken");

                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("/data");

In this example, an instance of HttpClientHandler is created and used to create an instance of TokenRefreshHandler. The TokenRefreshHandler instance is then used to create an instance of HttpClient. The HttpClient instance is then configured with the base address of the API and an authorization header with an initial token. Finally, a GET request is made to the API using the GetAsync method and the response status code is written to the console. If the response status code is Unauthorized, the TokenRefreshHandler implementation will renew the token and retry the request until either a success status code is received or the maximum retry count is reached.

How it works?

             |      HttpClient   |
                 |           ^                             
                 |           |
                 v           |
                 |           ^
                 |           |
                 v           |
             |  HttpClientHandler|
                 |           ^
                 |           |
                 v           |
             |     Network       |

You can chain multiple HttpMessageHandlers together to create a pipeline for processing HTTP requests and responses.

The HttpMessageHandler class is the base class for all HTTP message handlers, including the HttpClientHandler and the TokenRefreshHandler mentioned earlier. When you create an instance of an HttpClient, you can specify an instance of an HttpMessageHandler to use for processing requests and responses. You can also chain multiple HttpMessageHandlers together to create a pipeline for processing requests and responses in a specific order.

When you pass an instance of HttpClientHandler to the TokenRefreshHandler’s constructor, the TokenRefreshHandler sets its InnerHandler property to the HttpClientHandler. This effectively chains the two HttpMessageHandlers together, with the HttpClientHandler being used to send requests and receive responses from the network, and the TokenRefreshHandler being used to intercept and refresh access tokens before the requests are sent. The order in which you chain the HttpMessageHandlers together determines the order in which they will be used to process requests and responses.

More to consider

When using a DelegatingHandler to implement a retry logic to handle refreshing tokens, there are several issues that you need to pay attention to:

  1. Token renewal frequency: You need to carefully consider the frequency at which you refresh the token to ensure that the token remains valid for the minimum amount of time necessary and that token renewal requests are not made unnecessarily, which can result in increased resource usage and network traffic.
  2. Error handling: You need to ensure that the retry logic properly handles errors that may occur during the token renewal process, such as network errors or issues with the token renewal endpoint.
  3. Concurrent requests: You need to consider the impact of concurrent API requests on the token renewal process. If multiple requests are being made simultaneously, you may need to implement locking mechanisms or other synchronization techniques to prevent race conditions or other issues that may arise.
  4. Token renewal endpoint security: You need to ensure that the token renewal endpoint is secure and that the token is securely transmitted between the client and the server.
  5. Data consistency: You need to consider the impact of retrying API requests on data consistency, especially when making requests that modify data. You may need to implement additional mechanisms to ensure data consistency, such as versioning or transactions.
Http Client
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