

I’m Tired.


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Let me rant for a second, sorry in advance.

Even before you get out of bed when you wake up, the weight of the day is already bearing down on you. Every task, regardless of how small, feels like a mountain you must climb because your mind is a cloudy mess. Being at your best all the time is demanding and draining. There appears to be no way out since you are constantly on call and reachable.

The worst part is that it goes beyond the workload. It’s the sensation of being on a treadmill (that doesn't stop).

Why are you running nonstop? You’re not even certain anymore. Your enthusiasm for what you once cherished is gone and it has been replaced by a persistent feeling of dread and anxiety.

And let’s not even begin to discuss the guilt associated with taking a break.

You’re expected to continue spinning along with the rest of the world. You feel as though you cannot afford the luxury of taking a day off. You are being pushed to the breaking point by the never-ending cycle of work and more work.

It’s not just a bad day, there is a constant stream of pressure, deadlines, and demands. Your body is worn out, your mind is worn out, and your spirit is depleted. You need a break, a chance to catch your breath, and a chance to refuel, but it seems like there isn’t enough time in this never-ending race for that.

I’m fortunate to work at something I’m passionate about. But it’s important to keep in mind that we are all human beings, not machines. Hard work and dedication shouldn’t come with an expected side effect of burnout.

How do you personally deal with burnout when you feel overwhelmed by work or life’s demands?

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