avatarJames Boylan


I’m Right and You’re Wrong

and there is no in-between

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

As a teenager, I was probably quite normal. By this, I mean that I was always right and never wrong. If we had a difference of opinion, I was right and you were wrong.

When I was in my late 30s and soon after starting to study spirituality, I discovered that this attitude was making me a very unhappy person whenever I was near someone with whom I did not agree.

Unhappy, many times, meant angry, and angry made me someone who others did not necessarily want to be close to. This led me to the question of did I needed to always be right or did I wish to be happy.

Always right — miserable. Maybe right but allowing for another opinion — peace. Those became my choices. I have since chosen to allow others to have their opinions, even voice them to me, and not let them make me angry and ready to fight for what I think is right.

If I was right and you did not agree with me that meant you were wrong, in my mind. Do I really want to have a world full of me-clones? That would make for a very boring, probably turning into a violent place to spend any time.

Right, wrong — Who am I to judge? I have discovered that right and wrong are two attitudes that do not have to be disputed. Political, religious, educational, sex, ethnicity, food tastes, dress codes, and music styles — the list is endless — all have differences and this does not mean right or wrong.

I still feel passionate about certain issues but choose not to discuss them with many because I am possibly looking for a fight when I enter the discussion.

I have also learned that I have learned so much more by listening to people instead of looking for ways to disagree and actually getting angry when the other person has an opposing opinion.

Opinions are like fingerprints — everyone has them and they are all different. This does not make them wrong and me right it just makes them different.

So, the choice for me is do I want to be right or do I want to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? That is really my ONLY choice. Remember the mirror — what you put into it you get out of it. If you don’t like the image that you see, you can either change your input or walk away from the mirror. What do you think?

Thank you, God!

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