I’m On Pace to 3x My Output for February — Observations So Far
I’m betting on quantity to pay off in the long run
I know, I know, it’s only been three days. But in January I wrote roughly one article per day. In February I already have eight articles published with one more submitted (not to mention this one)!
January was a big month for me with over 100 new followers and over 1000 views. More importantly, I joined some new publications and started to interact with the same people — community building.
One thing I noticed about all the people killing it right now is that they all post A LOT. The quantity is high without fail.
This begets the age-old question: quantity or quality? It seems that it’s less of an either/or and more of a both/and. The top writers are producing a lot of quality material. Keywords: A lot AND quality. They’re posting informative, engaging, well-written articles twice or even three times a day.
With the way Medium is going, it seems that this is what it takes.
With 500 followers and almost 100 articles, I knew that for February I wanted to up my game. I have a lot of stories to tell and lessons that I’ve learned that I want to pass on. So my main strategy for this month?
Up the quantity. Massively.
Three posts a day for now, hopefully I’ll hit 100 for the month.
Observations so far:
1. My views are up but my read ratio is down. Maybe I’ve been sacrificing quality a little too much in pursuit of more quality.
2. I’m not sure how much post timing matters but I figure it matters some at the very least. I’ve posted on Friday night and other off hours and I’ve noticed these articles get buried before they find an audience. Anyone have any insight into this? Strategy? I don’t want to be so tied to my goals that I waste my stories.
3. There will always be things to write about. I was worried I’d run out of ideas but everything’s material. The more I write the more I think of to write.
Even though my read ratio is down I’m betting on my writing to improve as I keep doing it. The more experience I have the more lessons I will learn. And with that increased quantity will come increased quality. At least that’s what I’m betting on in the long run.
Right now it’s all about pressing that gas pedal and getting to cruising speed. If you’ve been on the fence about giving Medium a good try and you’re wondering if it’s worth it, hopefully you’ll be able to watch and learn from my wins and mistakes.
I’ll keep you all updated 🫡