avatarDon Martin, real-life writer


I’m a Business Guy.

Presenting “Stuff” from a Business Guy’s Perspective

Photo by Boston Public Library on Unsplash

When I first started being a businessman, it required a brick-and-mortar office.

If you didn't have that, you were just imagining yourself as a businessman. Or you sold aluminum siding out of your station wagon.

The point is that I am fairly familiar with that concept.

Yesterday morning while the news was playing on my TV, and I was getting ready for the day, my attention was caught by a couple of stories that were probably slow-news-day stories from “in the can” waiting for just such a day.

Two of the stories were about new and emerging concepts that seemed interesting enough to cover in the news. And they brought to my mind a third concept that is so new to some, that they don’t even recognize that it exists yet.

First Emerging Concept

The first is the new culture of quitting, dropping out, working, or schooling remotely.

I must admit, I empathize/understand the novelty of that, but it’s really not that new.

I took my brick-and-mortar business with sixteen employee/independent contractors into the cloud myself. It was not during this immediate time of the pandemic, though. The last exorbitant (to me) commercial office building lease payment I made was at Y2K.

Second Emerging Concept

The second new culture concept story I heard was regarding working remotely in the Nomad world of living in a camper. Cramped, but interesting and adventuresome.

I, also, have run my business from interesting places, such as a BMW, a pick-up truck, and a mop closet. Not completely fascinating, but still not really new.

Third Concept Dovetails and Justifies First Two

So, I was surprised that these concepts seemed to be so new right now, until I realized the third concept, one that is also quite old but apparently must be rediscovered by each generation. And sometimes they don't rediscover it.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I guess I felt the same when I was younger

But, increasingly, the youth, at least in America, have the idea that history itself began at their birth. If they discover items that occurred prior to that time, or items simply new to them, they feel as though they discovered said item, and need to teach it to the world.

I guess that’s why we must be told each year that driving on snow is slippery, eat your vegetables, and don’t stick your fingers in the fan.


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