

Illumination Writer Introduction: Cole Tretheway

A short bio on the boy who lives.

Infiltrating London. Source: Author.

There’s a story, and it begins like this: once upon a time, in a town not far from here… And it’s a good story, but not a great one. I know this because I wrote the damn thing.

Hi. I’m Cole — creative writer and reader.

Sometimes, I write fairy tales. I’m rather fond of them, and I whisper to my cactus just how very fond of them I am, especially when I’m editing and therefore not fond of them at all. That’s “fond” said three times now, in case you haven’t noticed.

I don’t think I’m very good at bios.

In Which I Distract You With Three Random And Specific Facts About Me, Listed in No Particular Order

  • In 2016, I briefly led a squadron of underage hikers through a snowstorm in the Swiss Alps. We followed train tracks to a lodge with zero injuries. After, one member developed an acute case of pneumonia.
  • My first short story featured two genderless snowmen who melted.
  • Two weeks is the shortest amount of time I’ve had “permanent” housing.

In Which I Speak My Desires So You May Fulfill Them, This Time Written in Paragraphic Form

Ideally, I’ll publish every single day, sometimes twice a day. (UPDATE: I have failed. New goal is 1/week, and it’s much more manageable.) You will enjoy my work, and you will surely follow it, and publish comments like “What a wonderful read,” or “Delightful, absolutely delightful,” which I will award heartily with 4–10 claps, depending on the weather.

Perhaps you are interested in short stories.

Maybe you prefer poetry.

If you’re an odd duck, you may find yourself drawn to intensely personal pieces.

Perhaps you like money

…or a chuckling at my expense. Go on. I don’t mind.

In Which I Hang Up My Coat and Gloves and Leave Off Writing Forevermore


Thank you for reading my bio. I hope you’re happy. Should you find yourself woefully unsatisfied, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. I will return your sending at my soonest convenience (I check my emails at least 3x per day).

Special thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildiz, who has made this bio a thing.

Thank you for welcoming me to ILLUMINATION. I’m excited to be here.

I call this piece, Living Wild and Free. Source: Author.
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