avatarSanjay Singhal


If You’re a Father With a Daughter, Read This

Remember to tell your kids you value them in specific ways

Hugging them is great too. Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Unsplash

I’m flying to San Francisco today to participate in an IFS retreat with my daughter. She’s appreciative of the opportunity, but sometimes I worry that she doesn’t know just how important she is in my life. Tom Greene wrote a letter to his daughter that’s reflective of how I feel, and how I think all fathers of daughters feel. Here is the final paragraph. Click the link for the whole letter.

Excerpt from Tom Greene’s letter to his 16-year-old daughter

Cloudy days will come. On a cloudy day, you will ask yourself, “What have I been, and done and meant to the world?”

When that day comes, I want you to take comfort in one thing. You filled one man’s days with more joy than he was due. A joy unknown in all my prior years. If you never accomplish another thing in your life, you will have done this. You will have exponentially and meaningfully increased the happiness in one man’s life. And that is enough. I love you

Read the full article from Tom Greene

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