avatarUmar Stelvio


The author reflects on the challenges of perseverance in business and life, emphasizing the importance of pushing through difficult periods to achieve success.


The article discusses the author's struggle with the desire to quit when faced with a plateau in progress, both in personal fitness and business endeavors. Despite the temptation to abandon a challenging situation for something safer or seemingly more promising, the author acknowledges the pattern of starting new ventures only to quit at the brink of a breakthrough. With honesty about past failures, the author advises readers to learn from those who have overcome such obstacles and to avoid the regret of quitting prematurely. The key message is that persistence is crucial, as quitting guarantees failure, and pushing through the plateau is the only way to secure success and personal growth.


  • The author believes that perseverance is essential in overcoming the 'plateau' phase in any endeavor.
  • Quitting is seen as a cycle that leads to repeated failure and wasted effort.
  • The author regrets having quit five previous business ventures at the point where progress slowed, suggesting a belief in the potential success that was within reach.
  • Advice should be taken from those who have either achieved the desired goal or learned from their failures, not from those who have never faced adversity.
  • Motivation is not a constant, but the commitment to not quit is portrayed as the determining factor for success.
  • The author emphasizes that the only certainty of failure is in giving up, and that as long as one continues to strive, there is a chance for success.

If You Feel Like Quitting — Read This First

Applies to business & life.

Created by Author

So, I’m at the point now where life is tough, and business is even tougher.

I have that desire, the drive to succeed, but there’s a stage that I think everyone must come to at some part in their journey, which is like a plateau.

The gymgoers know about this. You’ll push yourself, you’ll get strong and fit, but eventually, the progress stops, and slows right down.

It's like you’re not improving at all.

This is the stage where most people quit.

It’s the same with business.

I know deep down that I should carry on, and if I do, I’m going to break through this unseeable barrier and come out better on the other side.

But then, how long is that going to take?

Will it be worth the hassle? Or should I just stick to something that’s safe, and avoid any possibility of disappointment?

When times are good, and you’re making money, or your business is going well and it’s easy to see progress, you never think this way.

It’s the downtime that messes with your brain.

The plateau.

99% of people would quit at this stage, and try something else.

I could do that too. Leave this business because it's at a difficult stage, and start a new one.

I’ll feel so good, setting it up, making a website, seeing great, fast progress, and possibly some good early money.

But then,

Won’t I just hit another plateau and end up back at this stage?

I’ll be honest with you, I’ve done this 5 times.

Started a business, and took it to the stage where it's seeing some success, but needs a push through the long, difficult, soul-sapping barrier, to the other side of the rainbow where the treasure awaits, but instead, I quit.

I start another business, get to the same stage, and then quit again.

I’ve repeated this cycle 5 times. Can you believe that?

5 times and wasted 2 years.

I can only imagine where I’d be now if I’d kept going.

Probably in Bali sipping a mocktail.

I’ve said before, that 2 years is plenty enough time to achieve success.

To make $10,000 a month.

To change my life.

Final Thoughts

There are only 2 kinds of people you should take advice from:

  1. Those who are where you want to be,
  2. And those who have experienced failure and learned from it.

In this article, I’m the 2nd.

Don’t be a quitter like I was.

I regret wasting 2 years of my life and putting so much effort into 5 businesses only to quit when it got hard.

Push through the plateau.

You won’t feel motivated all the time, but you don’t need to be.

All you need to know, is that if you quit now, you will 100% absolutely, definitely, certainly fail.

In life, there are no absolutes with failure, unless you quit.

You can’t win at a game you’re no longer a part of.

Keep going.

You will change your life.

Self Improvement
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