If our Electrical Grid fails, will you die?
9 out of 10 will not survive a 365+ day grid-down scenario.
Can you survive one year without electricity?
One year without that iPhone or Laptop like I am writing this story on?
I only say one year just to keep the time frame in perspective.
If our power grid fails, everything in this country comes to a rip-roaring stop!
No power means no food deliveries, no sanitation, pickup, or disposal. 😯
No power means no first responders (Police, Fire, EMS). 🤨
No power means no water coming from your tap. 😥
Within a few days, big cities will have massive looting, fires, and riots.
Once the fires start and no fire department shows up, well you know how well that’s going to turn out right?
Within a few weeks, the streets will be filled with garbage and the dead.
Within a few months, it will be a Zombie wasteland…
But there is no way that our government could get power restored even in one year.
It just won’t happen…
The transformers that are required to run our grid are massive!

And they require a minimum with heavy stress on the word “minimum” 18 months to build. And that’s if they are in a rush.
A rush to help the United States regain power…
The only country building these transformers is China.
I am sure China would be in a rush to help us get back on track. Right?
I am not betting my life on it.
I produce my own damn electricity…
My thinking was, if the idiots with the federal government can figure out how to make electricity, then I surely could pull it off.
And since more of the same idiots that work for the government (Politicians) refuse to harden our nation’s power grid, I thought, if we are the victim of a cyber-attack on our grid, an Electromagnetic Pulse attack (EMP) from another country, or naturally from solar storms and Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’S) then I should have a Plan “B” in my back pocket.
Because I like my Electricity!!! 🤬
I like my cellphone.
I like my computer.
I like having light to see by.
So my plan centered on coming up with my own power, and here’s how you can too.
- Purchase a generator for backup emergency power. I recommend a dual fuel (gasoline and propane). I bought a Champion model from Tractor Supply Company and I paid less than $500 for mine pre-Bidenomics, so expect a 30% minimum increase. Still worth it. It runs like a Champion. 5 stars A+++
This will be used to charge your solar generator during the day if it’s cloudy, raining, and overcast. They will charge it within 3–4 hours but can be quite noisy.
2. Purchase a solar generator with some panels. I purchased a Titan by Point Zero Energy from Ben over at https://poweredportablesolar.com and I couldn’t be pleased more with it. It’ll save your life.
At best, in the United States, you only get around 5–6 hours of peak sunlight. So if you buy a 200W panel, you will be able to create around 1000–1200W on one sunny day on average. However, due to variances in panels, a 200W panel might only generate 180W depending on the efficiency of the cells.
I have (5) 100W panels and plan on acquiring several more. Plus some extra batteries. But as of right now, on a sunny day, I can fully charge my entire system for FREE. Courtesy of the Sun and the Good Lord.
And when it’s raining, or cloudy, I just fire up the propane generator I own and in a few hours, it’s completely charged.
That will run the lights in my cabin, my computer, and television, and recharge my phone and electronics. So I can spend a few hours a day on Medium. And I have no electric bill. Nada. Zilch!
Pretty soon, I’ll be able to run everything including a water pump for my well.
No electric bill, no water bill. That is nice!
And that is Freedom!
Obviously, in addition to electricity, you will need non-perishable foods, and a means to heat and cool your home to survive. I will write more on that later…
In addition to my extensive aviation background, my passion is off-grid living, alternative power generation, and food sustainability. If you would like to know more about these subjects, please clap loudly and respond in kind. This helps me determine which stories to write next…
You can read my other story where I discuss EMP’s here. It just might save your life.
As always, I could not keep doing this without my fans and my mentors who are teaching me so much. Please follow and read the work of those listed below. They are some of the best writers on here!
Ryan Canady you are missed!
Marta Henriques Francisco Iglesias Bin Jiang Tyler Lubben BBA Danny Wolf Rebecca Designs A Life Wesley Scott The Melody Johnson Eve Arnold Sílvia PM, PhD 🍂 Daniel T. Carl Jeffers Alex Mathers
A final shout-out to my brother David Wood Jr. who just joined the member ranks. For too long he’s got to read my work for free..lol.. now we can all get some money from him. Can’t wait to see some stories from him as well. Follow him and tell him to get off his tail and get to writing 😉 love you bro!
Until next time,
The Survival Guy 😁