avatarKC Tillman


If I could choose any super power

So many books calling to me to be read

I have long pondered this question and for many years, if asked, without batting an eye, I would have said teleportation. That desire stemmed from having family residing across the world my entire life. To think that I could snap my fingers and join them for dinner without the dreaded eighteen hours of travel was a juicy thought. Better yet, not having to deal with commuting or traffic!

In the last few years, however, I have found myself — due to my insatiable thirst for knowledge — yearning to get through my stacks upon stacks of unread books. Despite the fact that I’m typically reading anywhere from three to six books at a time, my longing for speedier learning is omnipresent. I find myself daydreaming and desiring an out-of-this-world super power where I could simply rest my hand on a book and the entire content would immediately be uploaded to my brain. I obviously envision the satisfaction that comes with the anticipation of each turn of the page. The sensation of longing to find out more. The excitement at the character development — in the case of a yummy novel — or the unfolding of vital information, if nonfiction.

That idea (or fantasy) excites me to no end. To download intelligence into my cerebral matter with a mere stroke of the hand remains a whimsical vision to behold.

I am sadly not a very fast reader. Maybe this stems from growing up bilingual, or from changing schools so often in my youth. Or maybe it is due to my overactive monkey brain — which I learned is partly due to a bit of ADHD that was only diagnosed in my forties. Maybe it’s because I relish in the unfolding and beauty of the words being woven into majestic art form. I marvel at how meanings transpire (and inspire) from creative expressions of language. If a sentence moves me, I pause in order to let it fully sink in, then reread it — sometimes several times. Maybe I’m just a touch bizarre in that I see and interpret words as a grandiose symphony orchestrated on paper; inviting the reader into a new realm of possibility.

As much as I typically avoid labels, I will gladly embrace that I am a book nerd, meaning that every fiber of my being has a profound love of words.

And no matter the reason I don’t possess an ability for fast reading, I know that my passion for indulging in books is unlikely to ever subside, therefore I choose to accept this fact and practice patience when wanting to devour more books in less time. If nothing else, there are always speed reading courses that may be able to help a girl out!

Happy reading to all fellow bookworms out there! :)

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