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The article emphasizes the importance of identifying one's top five priorities to achieve personal goals and create an ideal life through consistent effort and self-improvement.


The author of the article discusses the significance of prioritizing life's focuses to effectively work towards achieving set goals. They share their personal experience of taking a break from writing to attend to other priorities, which leads to the discussion on the necessity of having a clear set of priorities. The author suggests that limiting the number of main focuses to five is manageable and prevents feeling overwhelmed. Writing down these priorities and breaking them down into actionable steps is recommended for clarity and accountability. The article also touches on the importance of self-reflection, the pursuit of personal growth, and listening to one's intuition to guide life decisions. The author encourages readers to envision their ideal life, acknowledge areas for improvement, and take deliberate steps towards their dreams, all while enjoying the journey.


  • The author believes that having a limited number of priorities, specifically five, is realistic and prevents the feeling of being overwhelmed.
  • Writing down priorities and actionable steps is seen as a magical and highly beneficial practice for clarity and accountability.
  • Self-improvement is viewed as a continuous process with endless room for growth.
  • The author values intuition and inner feelings as guiding forces in life decisions.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of enjoying life while pursuing goals and personal growth.
  • The author expresses contentment with their current situation, acknowledging that it is a stepping stone towards their envisioned life.
  • They encourage readers to dare to dream bigger and to actively pursue these dreams with a clear vision and plan.

Identify Your Priorities and Achieve Your Goals

Why identifying your priorities is necessary for achieving your goals

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Hello my friends, it seems some time has passed since I posted my last article. To be honest, I haven’t written hardly at all in the last few weeks… In all fairness, I have been preoccupied with focusing on other priorities in my life at the moment. It’s not that writing isn’t a priority; it’s just that it is not at the top of my list right now. It’s a hobby I spend time on when I’m hit with a spurt of inspiration or when I require some creative outlet.

Speaking of priorities and hobbies; This brings me to the topic of this article… Priorities!

Ah yes, priorities. Like most people, I started the New Year writing out my goals and focuses for 2022. I decided to take this a step further by writing out the top five things in my life that I need to focus on and ensure that I devote regular amounts of time to.

Why five focuses?

Having five main things to focus on is realistic for me. It gives me a bit of variety so that life isn’t so mundane if I’m only focusing on one or two activities. At the same time, I’m not overwhelmed by trying to accomplish too much at once. Some people are superhumans and excel at many different things simultaneously, but I am no superhuman.

I find it highly beneficial to physically write out the main focuses in your life right now. Sure, you can type them out on a computer, but there is something a little magical in writing them down in your own handwriting on a piece of paper. I break down the main focus into smaller steps and decide what needs to be done for each separate category.

From there, I can clearly see what I need to execute, and then it is up to me to hold myself accountable and get to work. Each night before bed, I write out my to-do list for the following day and place it on my dresser where I can clearly see it early the next day. Ok, maybe not always early because I have loved sleeping in recently, hehe. Am I allowed to write “hehe”? Anyway, theoretically, all I have to do is complete each task, and voila, just like that, I am inching towards my big goals and ideal life.

It sounds simple and can be simple, but it requires vision, effort, determination, motivation, and consistency.

Have you ever thought about your ideal life?

What does it look like?

How does it feel?

Are you the perfect version of yourself already, or can you improve on a few things? Chances are, there is room for improvement… Because, really, there is never-ending room for improvement.

Think about these things. Think about your ideal life and the ideal version of yourself. How far are you from these goals? Maybe you’re already there, or you are content with where you’re at; if so, fantastic.

Personally, I need to continually learn, grow and evolve; otherwise, I become very blah and depressed.

I have a clear vision of the life I want to live, and to be honest, what the hell is the point of my existence if not attempt to pursue it? What am I doing here if not to go after the things I constantly think about? This path involves taking risks and jumping into the unknown, but I know I will be horribly disappointed in myself if I don’t at least try.

Does this mean I am unhappy with where I am currently at? No. Not at all. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I feel as if I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now, ironically enough in my hometown Prince Albert, SK.

I swore I would never live here again after moving abroad for a few years. Still, a crucial reason brought me here, and I am forever thankful that I moved home when I did. Does this mean I will live here forever? Not permanently, but this is where I am supposed to be for now. Since I have stopped fighting what the universe has laid out, things are clicking into place. I feel incredibly connected to myself and my intuition, and it seems to be guiding me to where I need to go.

Learn to listen to the feelings you have deep inside of you. I know how terrifying it is to do this for the first time, but your heart knows the way. Those feelings you have aren’t going anywhere. They are there to guide you… Acknowledge them, trust them, act on their guidance, have faith. Dare to dream a bit bigger, and dare to go after your dreams. Create a vision, see it, feel it, and create a plan to achieve it.

Identify the top five priorities in your life.

Make your daily to-do lists and complete the tasks.

Relish in the highs and get through the lows.

Most importantly of all, enjoy your life. As often as you can.

Personal Development
Personal Growth
Goal Setting
Self Improvement
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